The Why Files The Why Files --

Today's date: 9 Jan 2009

Year of astronomy: More reasons to love stars!
[8 Jan 2009] 400 years ago, Galileo discovered the moons of Jupiter. We discover water from 11 billion years ago, volcanoes at Titan, a moon of Saturn, and good reasons to shun light pollution. (More...)

Fuel Faves: Coffee meets diesel!
[2 Jan 2009] Oils in spent coffee grounds are easily converted into biodiesel -- a renewable source of transportation energy. Bottoms up for CofFuel? (More...)

In The News

Biggest Ponzi scheme in history has $50 bil price tag!
For 20 years, Bernard Madoff fooled everybody...

What does science tell us about dealing with money? Can thinking about money change your behavior? How do monkeys gamble? Is "homo economicus" truly rational? Do some people thrive on financial risks? More on...Investments: The psychology of money

Obama appoints science chiefs
Nobelists, biodiversity advocates, green energy experts appointed.

Obama: "“...promoting science isn’t just about providing resources—it’s about protecting free and open inquiry. It’s about listening to what our scientists have to say, even when it’s inconvenient—especially when it’s inconvenient." What science issues face his administration? More on...Questioning candidates

Avalanches plaguing American West
Unstable snow sets up trap in back country, even in ski areas.

What causes avalanches? Why are they so dangerous, and how can you avoid them without cowering at home? More on...Avalanche Attack

Coming Thursday

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