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2009 NFAIS Annual Conference
February 22 – 24, 2009

Ritz Carlton Hotel
Ten Avenue of the Arts
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Barbarians at the Gate? The Global Impact of Digital Natives and Emerging Technologies on the Future of Information Services

The born-digital generation has come of age. In growing numbers they are storming the gates of higher education, research laboratories, and business organizations around the globe, bringing with them information-seeking skills shaped by a lifetime of search engine and Web usage.  Exposed for years to intuitive user interfaces, mobile devices and total connectivity, and well-versed in social networking and collaborative information sharing, they expect to enjoy a comparable information environment as they move on to the scholarly, scientific and business information services that will be essential in their professional lives. They are not alone. Even seasoned faculty, researchers and practitioners have embraced the Web and have similar expectations.

To what extent do the expectations and information-seeking behaviors of Digital Natives worldwide differ from those of prior generations? How are innovative content providers, libraries and universities changing their products and services to meet these new expectations?  Are social networking, online collaborative tools, and user-generated content being incorporated? If so, how are the issues of authentication, ownership, privacy and versions being addressed?  Can user-interfaces be made more intuitive, without significant loss in search power? How are new and emerging technologies such as e-paper, e-books, cloud computing, mobile communication enhancements and others being leveraged to improve the overall search experience?  And, as business opportunities continue to shift geographically to meet the information needs of digital natives around the globe, what new business practices are being adopted?

The 51st NFAIS Annual Conference will discuss these issues and more. No matter what role you play in the information community - content or technology provider, librarian or other information professional, or college and university faculty - this meeting is for you. It will provide you with an ideal opportunity to interact with and learn from industry experts who are ensuring that their products and services meet the needs and expectations of a new generation of scholars, researchers and business professionals.  Join us and find out how your organization can ultimately engage loyal followers from among the barbarians at the gate!

Registration (Early Bird Discounts until 01/09/2009)

Preliminary Program

Hotel Information

Philadelphia (weather, attractions, etc.)

Press Release Announcing Theme and Location

2009 Annual Conference Planning Committee 

2009 Annual Conference Sponsors