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December 4, 2008
Governor elected as chairman

Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer was unanimously elected chairman of the Democratic Governors Association this week, a post Schweitzer said will enable him to put a Montana stamp on national policy. “When we as Democratic governors are suggesting ...

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Posted in: The Helena IR on 12/04/08 PermalinkPermalink

R.J.Samuelson: Tough economic choices must be top Obama priority

WASHINGTON - As he assembles his economic team, Barack Obama faces a central strategic decision that only he can make. Starting with his "economic stimulus" plan, will he focus mainly on reviving the economy and relieving the financial crisis? Or wil...

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Posted in: The Billings Gazette on 12/04/08 PermalinkPermalink

December 3, 2008
Consumer counsel asks PSC to reverse Colstrip 4 order

HELENA A state consumer advocate is asking the Montana Public Service Commission to reverse last month's decision accepting NorthWestern's offer of 222 megawatts of Colstrip 4 power for its Montana customers, saying the electricity is way over-pr...

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Posted in: The Montana Standard on 12/03/08 PermalinkPermalink

Schweitzer joins call for infrastructure money

HELENA (AP) Gov. Brian Schweitzer is among the governor's urging President-elect Barack Obama to focus money on infrastructure projects, saying the states could put the money to good use. The National Governors Association met with Obama Tuesday i...

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Posted in: The Montana Standard on 12/03/08 PermalinkPermalink

Letter: Time for action toward energy independence

With the election over, gas prices dropping, and the holidays upon us, most people aren't worried about energy independence. Unfortunately, this is a complacency that we cannot afford. In these troubled times we cannot continue sending hundreds of bi...

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Posted in: The Montana Standard on 12/03/08 PermalinkPermalink

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