US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: A comparison of two rough mill cutting models

Author: Ruddell, Steven; Huber, Henry; Klinkhachorn, Powsiri

Date: 1990

Source: Forest Products Journal 40(5):27-30

Description: A comparison of lumber yield using the Automated Lumber Processing System (ALPS) Cutting Program and the Optimal Furniture Cutting Program (OFCP) was conducted on eight cutting bills. No.1 Common grade hard maple data files were compiled using a board database collected and used by the USDA Forest Service's Forest Products Laboratory to develop standard hardwood lwnber yield tables. The ALPS Cutting Program processed three furniture cutting bills, three kitchen cabinet cutting bills, and two "other" cutting bills with a board database of 343 boards containing 2,180 board feet. The ALPS Cutting Program was used to determine the maximum yield by selecting the number of parts cut for each cutting bill. The OFCP was used on the same cutting bills to generate the optimal yield of lumber that can be obtained by applying conventional roughmill technology. The results showed that by using ALPS and the ALPS Cutting Program, yield increases of 12.6t o 22.9p en:ent can be realized.


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Ruddell, Steven; Huber, Henry; Klinkhachorn, Powsiri  1990.  A comparison of two rough mill cutting models.   Forest Products Journal 40(5):27-30

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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