US Forest Service

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Publication Information

Title: Variation among slash pine families in chlorophyll fluorescence traits

Author: Koehn, Anita C.; Roberds, James H.; Doudrick, Robert L.

Date: 2003

Source: Can. J. For. Res. 33: 1102–1109 (2003)

Description: Abstract: Photochemical quenching, nonphotochemical quenching, and yield of photosystem II were measured on seedlings of full-sibling, open-, and self-pollinated slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii) families. Our results reveal that genetic variation in photochemical quenching and yield of photosystem II exists within this species. The pattern of variation found in these traits is consistent with the variance profile expected to occur as a result of segregation among nuclear genes. Variation among families accounted for 17% of the total variation observed in photochemical quenching, whereas the component for trees within families made up slightly more than 25% of the total. Less variation, both among families as well as among trees within families, was found for yield of photosystem II. A strikingly different pattern was observed for nonphotochemical quenching. Other than the error term, only pretreatment effects contributed significantly to the variation observed. This suggests that nonphotochemical quenching is largely influenced by environmental factors. With regard to associations between fluorescence and growth traits, both height and diameter growth were found to be positively correlated with photochemical quenching (0.36 and 0.33), respectively when selfed and open-pollinated families were analyzed along with control-pollinated families.


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Koehn, Anita C.; Roberds, James H.; Doudrick, Robert L.  2003.  Variation among slash pine families in chlorophyll fluorescence traits.   Can. J. For. Res. 33: 1102–1109 (2003)

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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