US Forest Service

Southern Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Quantifying and ranking the flammability of ornamental shrubs in the southern United States

Author: Long, Alan; Hinton, Brian; Zipperer, Wayne; Hermansen-Baez, Annie; Maranghides, Alex; Mell, William

Date: 2006

Source: In: 2006 Fire Ecology and Management Congress Proceedings (DVD). Quantifying and ranking the flammability of ornamental shrubs in the Southern United States San Diego, CA: The Association for Fire Ecology/Washington State University Extension:

Description: Wildfire preparedness programs focus on education and provide assistance with community design, home construction, and landscape design. Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) residents, nursery employees, and landscape architects often request lists containing species that would be appropriate for placement in firewise landscaping. Existing lists were created from personal experience or based on lists originating in the western United States. These lists, when applied to southern landscape designs, have inconsistencies.


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Long, Alan; Hinton, Brian; Zipperer, Wayne; Hermansen-Baez, Annie; Maranghides, Alex; Mell, William  2006.  Quantifying and ranking the flammability of ornamental shrubs in the southern United States.   In: 2006 Fire Ecology and Management Congress Proceedings (DVD). Quantifying and ranking the flammability of ornamental shrubs in the Southern United States San Diego, CA: The Association for Fire Ecology/Washington State University Extension:

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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