US Forest Service

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Publication Information

Title: Guide to insect borers in North American broadleaf trees and shrubs

Author: Solomon, J.D.

Date: 1995

Source: United States Department of Agricluture. Forest Service Agriculture Handbook AH-706

Description: This book is an illustrated guide to 300 species of inset borers that attack hardwood trees, shrubs, and other woody angiosperms in North America. The major purposes of this guide are to identify insect borers and theri damage to provide information for controlling them. Readers most likely to find this guide useful are practiving foresters, entomologists, and others responsible for preventing or minimizing losses caused by these insects in forests, plantations, nurseries, urbant plantings, and other settings where trees and shrubs grow. This book should also be a useful reference for extension agens, pest control specialists, arboriculturists, horticulturists, nursery managers, urban managers, forest technicians, forest owners, homeowners, and teachers and students of forestry and entomology.


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Solomon, J.D.  1995.  Guide to insect borers in North American broadleaf trees and shrubs.   United States Department of Agricluture. Forest Service Agriculture Handbook AH-706

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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