US Forest Service

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Publication Information

Title: Hardwood Control Treatments to Enhance Natural Regeneration and Growth of Loblolly-Shortleaf Pines in an Uneven-Aged Stand: 12-Year Results

Author: Cain, Michael D.

Date: 1999

Source:  USDA, Paper presented at the Tenth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Shreveport, LA, February 16-18. 1999.

Description: To facilitate natural regeneration of loblolly (Pinus taeda L.) and shortleaf pines (P. echinata Mill.) in an overstocked, uneven-aged pine stand in southeastern Arkansas, hardwoods were controlled by either basal injection of Tordon® 101 R, soil application of Velpar® L, or rotary mowing followed by a broadcast spray of Tordon® 101 applied over the hardwood stubble. After hardwood control, an improvement cut reduced merchantable pine basal area from 97 to 70 ft2 per acre, just before a better-than-average pine seed crop. Two subsequent improvement cuts in July 1987 and June 1991 left 55 and 48 ft2 per acre, respectively, in merchantable pine basal area. Twelve years after hardwood control, all plots had an adequate density of pine regeneration for uneven-aged stands, but dominant pine regeneration on treated plots averaged 16 ft taller and 2.2 in. larger in groundline diameter than the dominants on untreated plots.


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Cain, Michael D.  1999.  Hardwood Control Treatments to Enhance Natural Regeneration and Growth of Loblolly-Shortleaf Pines in an Uneven-Aged Stand: 12-Year Results.   USDA, Paper presented at the Tenth Biennial Southern Silvicultural Research Conference, Shreveport, LA, February 16-18. 1999.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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