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Title: NED-IIS: An Intelligent Information System for Forest Ecosystem Management

Author: Potter, W.D.; Somasekar, S.; Kommineni, R.; Rauscher, H.M.

Date: 1999

Source: AAAI Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems, July, 1999, Orland, Florida

Description: We view Intelligent Information System (IIS) as composed of a unified knowledge base, database, and model base. The model base includes decision support models, forecasting models, and cvsualization models for example. In addition, we feel that the model base should include domain specific porblems solving modules as well as decision support models. This, then, allows an IIS to provide responses to user queries regardless of whether the query process involces a data retrieval, an inference, a computational method, a problem solving module (employing, for example, a non-production rule based heuristic search technique), or some combination of these. The unified integration of these components in a distributed environment for forest ecosystem management is the focus of our research.


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Potter, W.D.; Somasekar, S.; Kommineni, R.; Rauscher, H.M.  1999.  NED-IIS: An Intelligent Information System for Forest Ecosystem Management.   AAAI Workshop on Intelligent Information Systems, July, 1999, Orland, Florida

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 16, 2009

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