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Energy $aving Partners Program

Renewable Energy Conference & ExpositionThe Governor’s Energy Office (GEO) offers the Energy $aving Partners Program to improve the energy efficiency of all residential structures throughout Colorado. Throughout much of the housing market, energy consumers respond positively to price signals and incentives, making cost-effective investments in energy efficiency.

Low-income energy consumers represent a unique challenge when it comes to promoting investments in energy efficiency. Due to limited discretionary income, these households are not as able to respond to price signals and incentives. At the same time, the burden of energy costs upon household income is the greatest for these consumers. Thus, GEO offers free energy efficiency services for income-qualified households.

An average low-income household consumes about 900 therms of gas per year and about 8,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity per year. Yet, there is significant variability in the consumption levels of low-income households, reflecting factors such as: thermal efficiency of the home; operating efficiency of the heating system; number of occupants; age of appliances; and consumption behaviors of the occupants. Recognizing this variability in needs, GEO has designed a variety of energy efficiency services.

The underlying objective of all GEO investments in energy efficiency services is cost-effectiveness. This is measured as return on investment, comparing the cost incurred to deliver the services with the value of the energy not consumed as a result of the service. GEO strives for all investments to achieve at least a 2-to-1 return on investment. This positive margin does not include various non-energy benefits resulting from the services (safer, more comfortable homes; less household disruption/homelessness; fewer utility shut-offs; etc.), while also allowing a margin for non-energy related costs (client eligibility documentation; financial management; etc.). Read GEO's annual report on State Funded Energy Efficiency Services For Colorado’s Low-Income Households.

Program Features
GEO has designed three levels, or “tiers”, of service delivery in order to respond cost-effectively to all low-income energy efficiency needs:

  • Tier 1
    High efficiency light bulbs and showerheads, combined with consumer education, delivered via mail, during interactions with utility assistance applicants or via home visits by youth corps; the target for these services in average to low consumers.
  • Tier 2
    In addition to Tier 1 services, focused investments, primarily appliance replacements (furnaces, refrigerators, freezers) in homes where this is the primary energy efficiency need.
  • Tier 3
    Comprehensive “weatherization” services, generally including insulation of attics/walls and reducing leakage in walls/windows/ducts, in addition to appliance replacements and Tier 1 services. The target here is high consumers.

How to Participate
Participation in the Energy $aving Partners Program is dependent upon income-level. To find out if you or someone you know is eligible, call toll-free 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435), or contact your local service agency for assistance with the program application.

The GEO is currently accepting applications from partners interested in administering this program. Please visit the Partnership Opportunities section for the application.

Partner Agency Resources
Agencies that partner with GEO to implement energy efficiency services for income qualified residents will find program resources here. Parties interested in partnering with GEO to implement this program are invited to submit an interest form, which can be found in the Partnership Opportunities section of this website.

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