The Online Books Page


Along with books, The Online Books Page is also now listing major archives of serials (such as magazines, published journals, and newspapers). Serials can be at least as important as books in library research. Serials are often the first places that new research and scholarship appear. They are sources for firsthand accounts of contemporary events and commentary. They are also often the first (and sometimes the only) place that quality literature appears. (For those who might still quibble about serials being listed on a "books page", back issues of serials are often bound and reissed as hardbound "books".)

The Online Books Page lists serials in much the same way as it lists ordinary books. Serials appear in a special serials listing, but they also appear in the title, subject, and new items listings intermingled with books. They also have listing criteria similar to the listing criteria used for books. In particular:

There are many newspapers, magazines, and journals that have useful Web sites, but that do not have archives that qualify for the listings as I have specified above. While I do not have the time to list all of these Web sites on this page, there are other indexes that do list such sites. See, for instance, Yahoo's newspaper, magazine, and journal site listings.

If the serial in question is still being published, I will include a link to its official site, if any, even if that official site does not itself maintain a qualifying archive, as long as there is some qualifying archive for that serial somewhere on the Net.

I hope the index of major serial archives is a useful service for the Net. If you find it useful, please mail me when you learn of new major serial archives that I haven't listed yet.

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