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Water Resources Investigations for Kane County, Illinois

Scott Meyer (right) measures the water level in a public water-supply well while the water operator observes.

Randy Locke measures the water level in a domestic well during the fall 2003 synoptic measurement.

Walt Kelly collects a groundwater sample from a domestic well.



Projections of population growth, possibilities of climate change, and impaired water quality, natural limits, and legal constraints on the availability of water in Northeastern Illinois create a challenging future for water resources management in Kane County. This challenge was articulated clearly in Kane County’s 2030 Land Resource Management Plan (Kane County, Illinois, 2004), which recognized the vulnerability of the county’s water resources and the need to provide a scientific basis for their management. This scientific basis must be developed from the observed characteristics of the water resources systems, interpreted using appropriate techniques, and disseminated and archived using current information technologies. The Illinois State Water Survey and Illinois State Geological Survey jointly are involved in a series of hydrological and geological investigations that will provide technical support for the policies for management and protection of water resources listed in the 2030 Land Resource Management Plan. The specific objectives of the joint investigation are to assist the County in:


     protecting groundwater quality;

     preserving groundwater availability;

     providing a basis for the formulation of policy and management strategy for its water resources; and

     providing baseline data and a framework for future studies.

Investigators are addressing these objectives through hydrological and geological field studies; records searches; database construction; and computer-assisted mapping and modeling of the geology, groundwater, and surface water systems. These studies already have produced several interim reports and interpretive maps. One map, the interim potentiometric surface for the shallow bedrock aquifer (below left), shows water-level elevations observed in 256 wells in Kane County during the fall 2003. Field information such as this is being used to guide development of regional- and local-scale groundwater-flow models. By combining field observation with the most up-to-date modeling techniques, a much better understanding of the county's groundwater resources can be developed.



Interim potentiometric surface of the shallow bedrock aquifer (fall 2003) based on field measurements.

Simulated potentiometric surface of the shallow bedrock aquifer from a preliminary run of a groundwater-flow model for Kane County.


These studies will produce final reports, interpretive maps, database files, GIS files, a three-dimensional geological model, a set of groundwater-flow models, and an interactive flow accounting model of the Fox River watershed. The study began in May 2002 and will be completed at the end of April 2007.

For additional information, please contact Scott Meyer.


Related ISWS publications on Kane County:


ISWS CR 2005-04

Interim Report on Shallow Aquifer Potentiometric Surface Mapping

This interim report discusses groundwater data from the unconsolidated sand-and-gravel aquifers and the uppermost bedrock (i.e., the shallow bedrock aquifer). A network of 1010 private, public, industrial, and commercial wells was measured during September-October 2003 and those water-level data were used to construct potentiometric maps for four shallow aquifers: the unnamed tongue below the Batestown Member, the Ashmore Tongue, the aggregated Glasford Formation sands, and the shallow bedrock. The interim potentiometric maps can be used to characterize regional groundwater flow, identify areas of groundwater recharge and discharge, determine regional effects of groundwater withdrawals, and provide a baseline for comparison with future groundwater conditions.


ISWS CR 2005-07

Shallow Groundwater Sampling in Kane County

This report discusses recent water quality sampling efforts conducted in Kane County. In October 2003, groundwater samples were collected from 70 shallow domestic and industrial wells. The primary objectives were to provide a "snapshot" of water quality in shallow aquifers and compare water quality from different parts of Kane County, especially the eastern urban corridor and the western rural region.


ISWS IEM 2005-01

Fact Sheet

Shallow Groundwater Sampling in Kane County

This fact sheet is a four-page summary of ISWS CR 2005-07.

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