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PowerPoint Presentations

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Horticultural Opportunities: An Overview

Top Ten Fruit and Vegetable Crops for Kentucky
Commercial Vegetable Production
Overwatering, Underwatering, and Fertigation Basics
Extend Your Vegetable Season
2004 Blueberry Cultivar Trials
Blueberry Trellis
Asian Pear Production in Kentucky
Equipment for Small-scale Vegetable Production
Floriculture and Greenhouse Crops
Field and Container Nursery Production

Horticultural Opportunities: Grapes

2007 Grape Cultivar Trials New Presentation
Caring for and Training Young Vines
Biology and Control of Powdery Mildew New Presentation
Cropping Vidal Blanc in Kentucky New Presentation
Deer Control in Vineyards
Driving Traffic to Tasting Rooms and Other Ways to Increase Your Bottom Line New Presentation
Effect of Cultural Treatments on Vidal Blanc Vines New Presentation
Growing Regions and Site Selection for Grapes New Presentation
History and Uses of Grapes
Managing Crop Load for the Upcoming Season
Pruning, Training and Canopy Management of Grapevines in the Midwest
Site Preparation and Mineral Nutrition in Vineyards
Site Selection for Vineyards
Trials and Tribulations of a New Grower with Chambourcin and Norton New Presentation
We're All in this Together - Grower - Winery Relationships New Presentation

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This site was last updated on January 11, 2008
Copyright © 2008, University of Kentucky, College of Agriculture

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