US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: Modeling the cumulative watershed effects of forest management strategies

Author: "Ziemer, R. R.; Lewis, J.; Rice, R. M.; Lisle, T. E."

Date: 1991

Source: Journal of Environmental Quality 20(1): 36-42.

Description: "Abstract - There is increasing concern over the possibility of adverse cumulative watershed effects from intensive forest management. It is impractical to address many aspects of the problem experimentally because to do so would require studying large watersheds for 100 yr or more. One such aspect is the long-term effect of forest management strategies on erosion and sedimentation and the resultant damage to fish habitat. Is dispersing activities in time and space an effective way to minimize cumulative sedimentation effects? To address this problem, Monte Carlo simulations were conducted on four hypothetical 10 000-ha fifth-order forested watersheds: one watershed was left undisturbed, one was completely clearcut and roaded in 10 yr, with cutting starting at the head of the watershed and progressing toward the mouth, another was cut at the rate of 1% each year beginning at the watershedÂ’s mouth and progressing up-stream, and another was cut at a rate of 1% each year, with individual cut areas being widely dispersed throughout the watershed. "

Keywords: "PSW4351, watershed, forest management, environment, precipitation, erosion, sediment, logging"

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"Ziemer, R. R.; Lewis, J.; Rice, R. M.; Lisle, T. E."  1991.  Modeling the cumulative watershed effects of forest management strategies.   Journal of Environmental Quality 20(1): 36-42..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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