US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: The Caspar Creek watersheds: a case study of cumulative effects in a small coastal basin in northern California

Author: "Ziemer, R. R.; Cafferata, P. H."

Date: 1991

Source: "In: Proceedings, 1991 Society of American Foresters National Convention, 4-7 August 1991, San Francisco, California. 2 p."

Description: "Abstract - Since 1962, the 483-ha North Fork and 424-ha South Fork of Caspar Creek in northwestern California have been used to evaluate the hydrologic impacts of road building and harvesting second-growth redwood/Douglas-fir forests. Three tributaries are serving as untreated controls. In 1985, the study was modified to evaluate the cumulative watershed effects of logging the North Fork. Intensively measured were precipitation, soil moisture, groundwater, subsurface pipeflow, streamflow and suspended sediment discharge at 15 gauging stations, bedload movement, stream channel stability, large woody debris, and anadromous fish habitat. Clearcut logging emphasizing cable yarding was begun in 1989 and will be completed by 1992. The amount of roads and the proportion of the area clearcut will vary among the 10 treated watersheds."

Keywords: "PSW4351, Caspar Creek, precipitation, soil moisture, subsurface pipeflow, stream channel stability, large woody debris, anadromous fish habitat, clearcut logging, watershed"

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"Ziemer, R. R.; Cafferata, P. H."  1991.  The Caspar Creek watersheds: a case study of cumulative effects in a small coastal basin in northern California.   "In: Proceedings, 1991 Society of American Foresters National Convention, 4-7 August 1991, San Francisco, California. 2 p.".

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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