US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: A risk analysis approach for using discriminant functions to manage logging-related landslides on granitic terrain

Author: "Rice, Raymond M.; Pillsbury, Norman H.; Schmidt, Kurt W."

Date: 1985

Source: Forest Science 31(3): 772-784.

Description: "Abstract - A linear discriminant function, developed to predict debris avalanches after clearcut logging on a granitic batholith in northwestern California, was tested on data from two batholiths. The equation was inaccurate in predicting slope stability on one of them. A new equation based on slope, crown cover, and distance from a stream (retained from the original equation) predicted stability on all three batholiths with an overall accuracy of 83 percent. A procedure is described that can be used to decide how to harvest slide-prone slopes. The procedure uses the manager's estimates of contending resource values and environmental risks together with data from a proposed harvest area. By the algorithm presented, the manager can determine the landslide risk threshold to follow and achieve the greatest net benefit from a timber harvest. FOREST SCI. 31:772- 784."

Keywords: "PSW4351, debris avalanches, risk analysis, clearcutting, Klamath Mountains, linear discriminant function, northwestern California, landslides"

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"Rice, Raymond M.; Pillsbury, Norman H.; Schmidt, Kurt W."  1985.  A risk analysis approach for using discriminant functions to manage logging-related landslides on granitic terrain.   Forest Science 31(3): 772-784..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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