US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: "Erosion and soil displacement related to timber harvesting in northwestern California, U.S.A."

Author: "Rice, R. M.; Furbish, D. J."

Date: 1984

Source: Mitteilungen der Forstlichen Bundesversuchsanstalt Wein. 153: 99-109.

Description: "The relationship between measures of site disturbance and erosion resulting from timber harvest was studied by regression analyses. None of the 12 regression models developed and tested yielded a coefficient of determination (R 2) greater than 0.60. The results indicated that the poor fits to the data were due, in part, to unexplained qualitative differences in disturbance associated with cable and tractor yarded harvests. Improved prediction might be achieved by weighting each elementary area of disturbance by the sine of its slope for estimates of surface erosion and by both the sine of its slope and its cut bank height for estimates of mass erosion."

Key Words: "PSW4351, erosion, site disturbance, timber harvest, logging, regression"

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"Rice, R. M.; Furbish, D. J."  1984.  "Erosion and soil displacement related to timber harvesting in northwestern California, U.S.A."  Mitteilungen der Forstlichen Bundesversuchsanstalt Wein. 153: 99-109..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  May 13, 2008

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