US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Watershed analysis on federal lands of the Pacific northwest

Author: Reid, Leslie M.; Ziemer, Robert R.; Furniss, Michael J.

Date: 1994

Source: Issues in watershed analysis. Discussions at interdisciplinary and interagency workshops held at the Humboldt Interagency Watershed Analysis Center in McKinleyville, California.

Description: Abstract - Watershed analysis-the evaluation of processes that affect ecosystems and resources in a watershed-is now being carried out by Federal land-management and regulatory agencies on Federal lands of the Pacific Northwest. Methods used differ from those of other implementations of watershed analysis because objectives and opportunities differ. In particular, Federal management must take into account the full range of uses and values present, so interagency watershed analysis includes wildlife, social, and economic components in addition to the physical and aquatic evaluations shared by other watershed analysis efforts.

Key Words: PSW4351, watershed analysis, ecosystems, cumulative effects analysis

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Reid, Leslie M.; Ziemer, Robert R.; Furniss, Michael J.  1994.  Watershed analysis on federal lands of the Pacific northwest  Issues in watershed analysis. Discussions at interdisciplinary and interagency workshops held at the Humboldt Interagency Watershed Analysis Center in McKinleyville, California..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  May 13, 2008

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