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Publication Information

Title: Cumulative watershed effects: Then and now

Author: Reid, Leslie M.

Date: 2001

Source: Watershed Management Council Networker 10(1): 24-33.

Description: Abstract - Cumulative effects are the combined effects of multiple activities, and watershed effects are those which involve processes of water transport. Almost all impacts are influenced by multiple activities, so almost all impacts must be evaluated as cumulative impacts rather than as individual impacts. Existing definitions suggest that to be significant, an impact must be reasonably expected to have occurred or to occur in the future, and it must be of societally validated concern to someone or influence their activities or options. Past approaches to evaluating and managing cumulative watershed impacts have not yet proved successful for averting these impacts, so interest has grown in how to regulate land-use activities to reverse existing impacts. Approaches being discussed include requirements for “zero net increase” of sediment, linkage of planned activities to mitigation of existing problems, use of more protective best management practices, and adoption of thresh-olds for either land-use intensity or impact level.

Keywords: PSW4351, watershed, cumulative impacts, water transports, environment, cumulative effects, sediment, logging impacts

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Reid, Leslie M.  2001.  Cumulative watershed effects: Then and now.   Watershed Management Council Networker 10(1): 24-33..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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