US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Approaching messy problems: strategies for environmental analysis

Author: Reid, L. M.; Ziemer, R. R.; Lisle, T. E.

Date: 1996

Source: In: Proceedings, Watershed '96: Moving Ahead Together, 8-12 June 1996, Baltimore, MD. Alexandra, VA: Water Environment Federation. p. 9-12.

Description: Environmental problems are never neatly defined. Instead, each is a tangle of interacting processes whose manifestation and interpretation are warped by the vagaries of time, weather, expectation, and economics. Each problem involves livelihoods, values, and numerous specialized disciplines. Nevertheless, federal agencies in the Pacific Northwest have been given the task of evaluating environmental issues quickly over large areas (USDA and USDI 1994a, REO 1995).

Key Words: PSW4351, environmental analysis, environmental change

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Reid, L. M.; Ziemer, R. R.; Lisle, T. E.  1996.  Approaching messy problems: strategies for environmental analysis  In: Proceedings, Watershed '96: Moving Ahead Together, 8-12 June 1996, Baltimore, MD. Alexandra, VA: Water Environment Federation. p. 9-12..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  May 13, 2008

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