US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


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Title: The role of structure in the physical habitat of anadromous salmonids

Author: Lisle, Thomas E.

Date: 1983

Source: In: C. Toole, B. Wyatt, S. Sommarstrom, and K. Hashagen (eds.), Report of the First California Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Conference, Bodega Bay, 22-23 January 1983 California Sea Grant College Program; pp. 43-46.

Description: A fundamental difference between a canal and a natural stream is structure. Structure includes all the typical anomalies of natural streams that deflect the general downstream flow, such as bends, bars, bedrock knobs, boulders, landslide deposits, and large woody debris. This results in the storage of watershed products in the channel, and in a great heterogeneity in depth, velocity, stream gradient, and substrate conditions. In this paper, I will discuss these functions of structure in salmon habitat and some implications for restoration of habitat.

Key Words: PSW4351, canal, stream, anadromous salmonid, watershed, stream channels, sediment

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Lisle, Thomas E.  1983.  The role of structure in the physical habitat of anadromous salmonids  In: C. Toole, B. Wyatt, S. Sommarstrom, and K. Hashagen (eds.), Report of the First California Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Conference, Bodega Bay, 22-23 January 1983 California Sea Grant College Program; pp. 43-46..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  May 13, 2008

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