US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: Turbidity-controlled suspended sediment sampling for runoff-event load estimation

Author: Lewis, Jack

Date: 1996

Source: Water Resources Research 32(7): 2299-2310.

Description: Abstract - For estimating suspended sediment concentration (SSC) in rivers, turbidity is generally a much better predictor than water discharge. Although it is now possible to collect continuous turbidity data even at remote sites, sediment sampling and load estimation are still conventionally based on discharge. With frequent calibration the relation of turbidity to SSC could be used to estimate suspended loads more efficiently. In the proposed system a programmable data logger signals a pumping sampler to collect SSC specimens at specific turbidity thresholds. Sampling of dense field records of SSC and turbidity is simulated to investigate the feasibility and efficiency of turbidity-controlled sampling for estimating sediment loads during runoff events.

Keywords: PSW4351, Caspar Creek, suspended sediment concentration (SSC), turbidity, storm, streams, hydrology, programmable data logger

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Lewis, Jack  1996.  Turbidity-controlled suspended sediment sampling for runoff-event load estimation.   Water Resources Research 32(7): 2299-2310..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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