US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Preliminary report of progress on the stream ecology phase of the Caspar Creek project, June to December, 1965

Author: DeWitt, John W.

Date: 1965

Source: Unpublished report, Humboldt State College. 30 June 1965. 7 p.

Description: During the summer, orientation surveys were carried out and initial plans for the conduct of the project were completed. Generally, the plans are for the investigation of the short and long-term effects of logging and associated activities on the nature, the ecology, and the productivity of one branch (the south fork) of Caspar Creek. The north fork watershed is not to be logged and the north fork will thus serve as a "control" area for the study.

Key Words: PSW4351, Caspar Creek, stream ecology, logging effects

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DeWitt, John W.  1965.  Preliminary report of progress on the stream ecology phase of the Caspar Creek project, June to December, 1965  Unpublished report, Humboldt State College. 30 June 1965. 7 p..

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  May 13, 2008

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