US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


US Forest Service
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Publication Information

Title: VIII-9 Tree root effect in preventing landslide on the bottom and circumference

Author: Abe, Kazutoki; Iwamoto, Masaru; Ziemer, Robert R.

Date: 1986

Source: Pages 213-216 in: Transactions, 38th Annual Meeting Kanto Japan Forestry Society, 1986 [in Japanese].

Description: In Japanese

Key Words: PSW4351, landslide, Japan

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Abe, Kazutoki; Iwamoto, Masaru; Ziemer, Robert R.   1986.  VIII-9 Tree root effect in preventing landslide on the bottom and circumference   Pages 213-216 in: Transactions, 38th Annual Meeting Kanto Japan Forestry Society, 1986 [in Japanese]. .

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  May 13, 2008

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