US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: An investigation of the effect of seasonal activity levels on avian censusing

Author: Ralph, C. John

Date: 1981

Source: Studies in Avian Biology 6:265-270

Description: Intensive variable distance circular-plot censuses and timed activity budget data were used to compare the effects of conspicuousness upon census results. In six of ten species no correlation was found, suggesting that all birds within the "Effective Detection Distance" (EDD) were seen. In four species there were significant correlations. Multiple regression analyses confirmed these results. Generally larger correlations were found with the number of birds per station than with density per ha; the latter is presumed to correct for changes in conspicuousness, possibly through changes in the EDD. However, a completely unexpected result showed that the EDDs themselves, while showing cycles, did not correlate with the activity variables. This indicates that, although they probably have biological meaning and are relevant to censusing, EDDs are not simply related to obvious changes in conspicuousness as measured by activity patterns.


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Ralph, C. John  1981.  An investigation of the effect of seasonal activity levels on avian censusing.   Studies in Avian Biology 6:265-270.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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