US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


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Title: MIADS2 ... an alphanumeric map information assembly and display system for a large computer

Author: Amidon, Elliot L.

Date: 1966

Source: Res. Paper PSW-RP-38. Berkeley, CA: Pacific Southwest Forest & Range Experiment Station Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture; 12 p

Station ID: RP-PSW-038

Description: A major improvement and extension of the Map Information Assembly and Display System (MIADS) developed in 1964 is described. Basic principles remain unchanged, but the computer programs have been expanded and rewritten for a large computer, in Fortran IV and MAP languages. The code system is extended from 99 integers to about 2,200 alphanumeric 2-character codes. Hand-coding is reduced, and job preparation simplified. Total cost of using MIADS2 is about the same as that of using MIADS.

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Amidon, Elliot L.  1966.  MIADS2 ... an alphanumeric map information assembly and display system for a large computer  Res. Paper PSW-RP-38. Berkeley, CA: Pacific Southwest Forest & Range Experiment Station Forest Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture; 12 p.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  May 13, 2008

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