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Pacific Southwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Invite, include, and involve: racial groups, ethnic groups, and leisure

Author: Chavez, Deborah J.

Date: 2000

Source: Diversity and the Recreation Profession: Organizational Perspectives. State College, PA: Venture Publishing, p. 179-1 91

Description: All people recreate. Most of us read book and/or magazines, take walks, watch television, tend gardens. Some people enjoy high-risk activities, such as bungee jumping, others prefer to participate in karate at the local boys' club or bingo at the local senior center, while others prefer family-oriented leisure adivities such-as miniature golf. Whatever the leisure activity and however the leisure profession delivers that service to the public, it is necessary for leisure professionals to think about who they serve. This chapter focuses on leisure services for ethnic and racial groups. Not meant to summarize all the leisure literature as it relates to racial and ethnic groups, the focus is on literature and theories that relate to differences among these groups.

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Chavez, Deborah J.  2000.  Invite, include, and involve: racial groups, ethnic groups, and leisure  Diversity and the Recreation Profession: Organizational Perspectives. State College, PA: Venture Publishing, p. 179-1 91.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  May 13, 2008

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