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Publication Information

Title: Conservation of diversity in forest ecosystems

Author: Millar, Constance I.; Ledig, F. Thomas; Riggs, R.A.

Date: 1990

Source: Forest Ecology and Management 35:1-4

Description: The symposium from which the papers in this issue derive was organized to foster an awareness among forest managers of the issues surrounding biological diversity. Forest geneticists have been calling for conservation of diversity for many years (Anonymous, 1975 ). Since they were geneticists, they naturally called this gene conservation. Forest geneticists often sold gene conservation from a practical viewpoint. Genes were needed in breeding, as raw material for selection, and to maintain viable populations of commercial species. That argument is as valid as ever, but over time we have come to publicly acknowledge that the problem is broader than the need to bank genes for future use in breeding. Research and experience have made us aware of many more aspects of diversity and its uses. Diversity has assumed a value in its own right as people turn to nature for recreation and solace. The existence of wildness keeps our everyday world from becoming one large cage.


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Millar, Constance I.; Ledig, F. Thomas; Riggs, R.A.  1990.  Conservation of diversity in forest ecosystems.   Forest Ecology and Management 35:1-4.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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