US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest


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Publication Information

Title: Seasonal patterns of CO2 exchange in the shoot and root of loblolly pine seedlings

Author: Drew, Allen P.; Ledig, F. Thomas

Date: 1981

Source: Botanical Gazette 142(2):200-205

Description: Seedlings of six full-sib families of loblolly pine were grown outdoors in clay pots for two growing seasons. Dark respiration of shoot and root and CO2 exchange of the shoot in the light were measured periodically over a temperature range bracketing ambient conditions. Both shoot and root showed different physiological responses as seasonal temperature changed, but differences among crosses were not apparent. Optimum temperatures for net photosynthesis shifted with seasonal temperatures from a high of nearly 25 C in midsummer to a low of 10 C in midwinter. Root respiration was higher at 30 C in the summer than at 30 C any time after August and higher at 0 C in the winter than during summer. Dark shoot respiration was high during initial shoot elongation and second-year bud break but fell thereafter. Rates of net photosynthesis remained high for a longer period of time before declining. A peak in root respiration occurred in October of the second year following a steady decline throughout the growing season. A period of rapid root growth in late autumn appeared to follow summer shoot growth.


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Drew, Allen P.; Ledig, F. Thomas  1981.  Seasonal patterns of CO2 exchange in the shoot and root of loblolly pine seedlings.   Botanical Gazette 142(2):200-205.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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