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Pacific Southwest Research Station


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Title: Historical and contemporary distributions of carnivores in forests of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA

Author: Zielinski, William J; Truex, Richard L; Schlexer, Fredrick V.; Campbell, Lori A.; Caroll, Carlos

Date: 2005

Source: Journal of Biogeography (2005) 32. 1385-1 407

Description: Malammalian carnivores are considered particularly sensitive indicators of environmental change. Information on the distribution of carnivores from the early 1900s provides a unique opportunity to evaluate changes in their distributions over a 75-year period during which the influence of human uses of forest resources in California greatly increased. We present information on the distributions of forest carnivores in the context of two of the most significant changes in the Sierra Nevada during this period: the expansion of human settlement and the reduction in mature forests by timber harvest.

Key Words: American marten, California, conservation, distributions, fisher, forest carnivores, geographic range, mammalian carnivores, 4251, rwu-4251

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Zielinski, William J; Truex, Richard L; Schlexer, Fredrick V.; Campbell, Lori A.; Caroll, Carlos  2005.  Historical and contemporary distributions of carnivores in forests of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA  Journal of Biogeography (2005) 32. 1385-1 407.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  May 13, 2008

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