US Forest Service

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Title: A Successful Replication of the River Visitor Inventory and Monitoring Process for Capacity Management

Author: Chilman, Kenneth; Vogel, James; Brown, Greg; Burde, John H.

Date: 2004

Source: In: Proceedings of the Fourth Social Aspects and Recreation Research Symposium; 2004 February 4-6; San Francisco, California. San Francisco State University. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Social Aspects and Recreation Research Symposium; 2004 February 4-6; San Francisco, California. San Francisco State University. 222-226

Description: This paper has 3 purposes: to discuss 1. case study research and its utility for recreation management decisionmaking, 2. the recreation visitor inventory and monitoring process developed from case study research, and 3. a successful replication of the process in a large-scale, multi-year application. Although case study research is discussed in research textbooks as one of several ways of doing social research, it is rarely used in recreation research. Case studies are frequently used in business management and public administrative education to illustrate the complexities of management decision situations. They would appear to have similar advantages for teaching about the difficulties and strategies of large scale wildland management decisions. Case studies are sometimes criticized as describing unique situations and being difficult to compare to other similar situations. This can be dealt with by identifying a class of similar situations and selecting multiple case examples from that class of decisions for study (Chilman 1972). Case research can be further structured by having a hypothesis to test in comparable cases.


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Chilman, Kenneth; Vogel, James; Brown, Greg; Burde, John H.  2004.  A Successful Replication of the River Visitor Inventory and Monitoring Process for Capacity Management.   In: Proceedings of the Fourth Social Aspects and Recreation Research Symposium; 2004 February 4-6; San Francisco, California. San Francisco State University. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Social Aspects and Recreation Research Symposium; 2004 February 4-6; San Francisco, California. San Francisco State University. 222-226.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  February 24, 2009

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