US Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


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Publication Information

Title: Visitors' Characteristics, Preferences and Perception of the Impacts of Public Use at Salto Morato Natural Reserve

Author: Takahashi, Leide Y.; Milano, Miguel S.

Date: 2004

Source: Visitors' Characteristics, Preferences and Perception of the Impacts of Public Use at Salto Morato Natural Reserve. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Social Aspects and Recreation Research Symposium; 2004 February 4-6; San Francisco, California. San Francisco State University. 185-192

Description: Visiting wild areas as motivated by man’s desire to be in close contact with nature and to contemplate its beauty is an old recreational practice, done through activities such as hiking, hunting and picnicking. With post-war economic changes and technological innovations in multiple fields, there has been a significant increase in spare time, leading to a corresponding increase in the number of visitors to natural areas. As a consequence, recreation in those areas has been presented as an alternative to the social and economic development of their surrounding regions

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Takahashi, Leide Y.; Milano, Miguel S.  2004.  Visitors' Characteristics, Preferences and Perception of the Impacts of Public Use at Salto Morato Natural Reserve  Visitors' Characteristics, Preferences and Perception of the Impacts of Public Use at Salto Morato Natural Reserve. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Social Aspects and Recreation Research Symposium; 2004 February 4-6; San Francisco, California. San Francisco State University. 185-192.

US Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  May 13, 2008

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