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News for C-FAR Members

Illinois Council on Food and Agricultural Research
September/October 2008

Greetings from C-FAR. This month's Update is brief due to having just issued the Semi-Annual Report to the Membership. If you haven't already received this report in the mail, you will soon. I do hope that you spend some time reviewing the report and the additional information that accompanies it.

There are, however, just a few topics I would like to highlight in this month's Update.

As I shared with you last week, we are certainly pleased that the Illinois State Senate and House of Representatives deemed it appropriate to approve an FY09 C-FAR supplemental appropriation of $2.135 million. The bill including this and many other supplemental appropriations is on its way to the Governor for his consideration. While we do not know what the Governor's intentions are in regard to this bill, we do know this funding is critical to avoid cuts - some significant - to ongoing research.

Last week, the contact persons for all Organizational members were mailed the Call for C-FAR Board Member Nominations packet (the contact person is that individual who receives such key communications on behalf of her/his organization). This packet of information is available to any C-FAR member upon request.

Let me reiterate an important message that Nominating Committee Chair Jack Erisman recently shared. Of the four board member seats to be elected at the February 2009 annual meeting, two of these seats will be "open seats" as Directors Nels Kasey and Karen Little have reached their term limitations. Regarding the additional two seats, Directors Jim Charlesworth and Jerry Hicks are eligible for re-election should they so seek re-election.

Board member nominations are due November 14 and submission of the C-FAR-issued nomination form is required. Any representative of an Organizational member is an eligible nominee so long as a fellow representative of the same organization is not already serving on the Board. All eligible individuals interested in serving C-FAR in this important leadership role are encouraged to have a nomination submitted on their behalf.

I join Chairman Erisman in welcoming any questions you might have regarding the nomination process or the responsibilities and opportunities of serving on the C-FAR Board of Directors. An overview of these responsibilities and opportunities is also available on our website at

With thanks to the due diligence of our working groups, we're pleased to announce seven initiatives have been selected for funding through the FY09 External Competitive Grants Program. The list of these initiatives has been posted on our website at: In addition, a brief description of each of these research projects will be highlighted in our next newsletter, which my associate LeAnn Ormsby anticipates sending to you during mid-October.

Let me reiterate that the quality of proposals submitted to the FY09 External Program was deemed by many as possibly the highest in the program's history. Our thanks to the researchers for putting forth such sound proposals and to our working groups for their very deliberate consideration in prioritizing proposals to fund.

Each year at this time, the U.S. Department of Agriculture issues a report ranking each state for its food and agricultural research expenditures (which of course track the state's respective appropriation). In the semi-annual report recently distributed, detailed information is included on this topic. However, let me share the headlines here. The latest report indicates Illinois has:

  • Dropped from 22nd to 24th in the nation
  • Moved from 9th to last of the ten Midwestern states

An analysis of this ranking, which is included in the semi-annual report, will be of interest to you.

As our producer colleagues and other professionals begin the work of harvest, may it be a very safe and productive fall.

All our best.


As we turn to October and the baseball playoffs… GO CUBS GO!

Kraig A. Wagenecht, Executive Administrator
Illinois Council on Food & Agricultural Research (C-FAR)
1101 W. Peabody Drive · Urbana, IL 61801
Tel: 217.244.4232 · Fax: 217.244.8594