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C-FAR dollars are leveraged by researchers to obtain, on average, four times their C-FAR project funding in additional funding, often from federal and corporate sources outside of Illinois. This brings additional dollars to Illinois to further stimulate the state’s economy.


C-FAR Membership Guidelines

Organizational Membership
Open to non-profit organizations that have at least 50 members. Organizational members may not be direct recipients of C-FAR funds, are entitled to one vote on matters subject to voting, and may designate one voting representative for each working group. Members in this category represent varied food, production agriculture and agribusiness interests, and includes, but is not limited to, commodity, consumer, floriculture, sustainable agriculture, specialty and nursery crops, environment and agricultural support associations.
Dues - $250

Affiliate Membership
Open to a state or federal government agency, a university or unit thereof, or another entity similarly related to the C-FAR mission. Affiliate members may designate one nonvoting representative for each working group.
Dues - $100

Individual Membership
Open to anyone who wishes to be involved with C-FAR and/or support food, agricultural and related research in Illinois. Individual members may participate as nonvoting members in C-FAR activities.
Dues - $50

The above guidelines are a summary of C-FAR membership categories. Additional opportunities and responsibilities of all members are outlined in the C-FAR bylaws.

Go to the Membership Form