Liberal Education requirements and courses

A liberal education introduces you to the modes of inquiry and subject matter of the major branches of knowledge, including the factual information and theoretical or artistic constructs that form their foundations; the "ways of knowing" the kinds of questions asked and how insight, knowledge, and data are acquired and used; the changes over time of their central ideas or expressive forms; and the interrelationships among them and with human society in general. To these ends, study by all undergraduate students on the Twin Cities campus is guided by a common framework.

Satisfying Liberal Education requirements

You may satisfy Liberal Education requirements with a variety of courses; some satisfy several requirements at once. For example, some courses will satisfy both a diversified core requirement and a designated theme requirement; other courses will satisfy the requirements for each of two designated themes.

Overview of Liberal Education requirements

If you have questions about the Liberal Education requirements, see your adviser.

The Diversified Core Curriculum

The Designated Themes of Liberal Education

Writing Intensive Requirement

Students are required to take four writing intensive courses. These courses are in addition to the one to two freshman writing courses required for all freshmen. At least two of the four required writing intensive courses must be taken at the 3000-level or above, and at least one upper division writing intensive course must be taken with the student's major or program area.

Freshman Seminars

Freshman seminars follow a standard numbering system where the number denotes the approved Liberal Education requirement(s).

Freshman seminars numbered 1901 are approved for the environmental requirement; 1902 for the cultural diversity requirement; 1903 for the citizenship/public ethics requirement; 1904 for the international perspectives requirment; 1906 for both environment and writing intensive; 1907 for both cultural diversity and writing intensive; 1908 for both citizenship/public ethics and writing intensive; 1909 for both international perspectives and writing intensive; 1910 for the writing intensive requirement only. Freshman seminars numbered 1905 are not approved for a Liberal Education requirement.

Semester Courses That Fulfill the Fine Arts/Performing Arts High School Preparation Requirement