Cooperative Extension University of Wisconsin-Extension

Agriculture & Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Extension

Welcome to Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension

Harley and Millie Peterson with two of their sons and in-laws, Denise and Matt Peterson, Pat Stittleburg, Pat and Dan Peterson, and Richland County Extension agent Joy Kirkpatrick. The Petersons have operated their 400-acre farm near Reedsburg since 1965.
Harley and Millie Peterson (seated) with two of their sons and in-laws (from left), Denise and Matt Peterson, Pat Stittleburg, Pat and Dan Peterson, and Richland County Extension agent Joy Kirkpatrick. The Petersons have operated their 400-acre farm near Reedsburg since 1965.

Teaming Up With Agriculture

Teamwork Enhances Agriculture

University of Wisconsin-Extension programs in Agriculture and Natural Resources help urban and rural people use research and knowledge to solve problems and take advantage of new opportunities. Agriculture and Natural Resources educators balance farm profitability and production of high quality food, horticulture crops, fiber and plant material with protection of the natural environment.

An Eye to Our Future

The structure of Wisconsin agriculture is changing in ways that affect the traditional family farm. Urban encroachments, changing consumer demands and a global marketplace are altering the face of farming. To adapt to these changes, agriculture and natural resources education emphasizes:

  • Protecting natural resources, water, land and air while striving for profitability in agriculture and meeting the food and fiber needs of the world.
  • Providing people with safe and adequate food and contributing to the economic
    well-being of the community.
  • Helping property owners create and maintain their personal environments with education for homeowners who enjoy gardening and landscaping by growing fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals.

Healthy Farms, Healthy Communities

Many benefit when our state’s agricultural sector is strong. UW-Extension education in Agriculture and Natural Resources is designed to achieve results.

  • Producers and agribusinesses evaluate and manage land, labor, capital and risk in a way that meets personal and business goals.
  • Property owners and people in the horticulture industry understand and use plant materials, and manage nutrients and pests in an environmentally responsible manner.
  • Producers learn to manage on-farm nutrients – recognizing the inseparable nature of crop production, water quality, manure management, nutrient management and social and economic factors.
  • Policy makers acquire tools for helping communities evaluate the impact of different types of development on agricultural land.

What We Gain

Agriculture and Natural Resources Programs aim to make Wisconsin agriculture strong and competitive while conserving and protecting natural resources. Education about agriculture and natural resources protects our economy, our food supply, our natural environment and our future.

What People Say About Us

“I definitely think the animals are healthier because of the changes we’ve made. Anytime you don’t have to treat them with medications, that’s a dollar you didn’t have to spend.”

Columbia County pork producer who participated in an Extension Pork Quality education program

“The garden increased our food stock tremendously. We would have run out of food by June if not for the program. We didn’t use as many canned goods because of the availability of fresh produce.”

Kenosha County food pantry administrator, who received donated produce from an Extension community garden.

“When I saw your article on genetically modified grains on the web, it really lit a light with me. It was exactly the information our growers needed. You addressed precisely the issues we were facing on a daily basis.”

John Froelich, Dairyland Seed Company, West Bend

About Cooperative Extension in Wisconsin

Cooperative Extension is part of the University of Wisconsin System and a division of University of Wisconsin-Extension. Cooperative Extension helps people throughout the state acquire knowledge and skills to …

  • Solve problems in their businesses and farms.
  • Improve their local governments and neighborhoods.
  • Enhance the quality of their families’ lives.
  • Use natural resources responsibly.
  • Help their children grow and learn.

Extension people work in partnership with people in county, state, federal, and tribal governments; community organizations; volunteers; business; and industry. With faculty in every county and on UW-campuses, Cooperative Extension gives Wisconsin citizens quick and convenient access to University research and knowledge.

Agriculture and Natural Resources is one of the Cooperative Extension programs. Others include Family Living,
4-H Youth Development, and Community, Natural Resource and Economic Development.

Educational Program Teams

More about Cooperative Extension