The Online Books Page


General -- Foreign Language -- Specialty

There's a vast range of online literature beyond what we index individually on The Online Books Page. Below we list some of the major sources and indexes of free online texts, in all languages, both general and specialized.


These are large, general-purpose collections with substantial English-language listings. For archives that mainly carry other languages, see the foreign languages archive listings. We break these out into categories:

Large-scale repositories -- Significant indexes and search aids -- Significant smaller-scale archives

Large-scale repositories

These are big collections of texts, big enough to act as small library-like collections in their own right. The threshold for inclusion here may rise over time. Listed alphabetically.

Significant indexes and search aids

The sites below primarily provide search engines, indexes or useful link lists for finding online books.

Significant smaller-scale archives

Everything else we see worth listing that doesn't fit in more specialized categories.

Foreign Languages

Tyler Chambers's iLoveLanguages site has a comprehensive listing of foreign language and literature resources. The University of Virginia's Western European Literature listing also lists a number of major collections in languages other than English. For text and teaching materials in less common languages, see UCLA's Language Materials Project. See also these archives:

Specialty Archives

These are listed by category:
Academic Presses -- Agriculture -- Architecture -- Art and Crafts -- Audio -- Blacks -- Books, Printing, and Publishing -- Children -- Computing -- Dissertations -- Drama -- Economics -- Historical -- Home Economics -- Literary -- Military -- Music and Dance -- New Original Works -- Philosophy -- Poetry -- Politics, Government, Law -- Portable Reader Editions -- Religion -- Science, Technology, Social Science and Math -- Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror -- Serials -- Sports, Games and Recreation -- Textbooks and Instructional Materials -- Women

Academic Presses

The following presses have put a substantial number of free online books on their site.



Art and Crafts


Black Writers and Subjects

Books, Printing, and Publishing

Children's Literature


Dissertations and Theses




Home Economics


See also historical (for literature from a certain period), and new original works (for web-published literature) and poetry.

For literary criticism, the Internet Public Library's Online Literary Criticism Collection is a good starting point.


Music and Dance

New Original Works

These archives have substantial collections of material that has been first published first on the Net, or that appeared on the Web shortly after their original publication. See also the Open Directory's Online Writing links, which include pointers to many such archives, large and small, of varying quality.



Politics, Government, Law

Portable Reader Editions


Science, Technology, Social Science, and Math

Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror


The following are some major directories of open-access serials. See also our own serials listings.

Sport, Games, and Recreation

Textbooks and Instructional Materials


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Edited by John Mark Ockerbloom (
OBP copyrights and licenses