A Celebration of Women Writers

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The Book of Sun-dials (Fourth edition)
by Margaret Scott Gatty (1809-1873)

I am happy to announce
Celebration Editions # 320-322:

Sultana's Dream.
by Rokheya Shekhawat Hossein, ca. 1878-1932.
From "The Indian Ladies' Magazine", Madras, 1905.

Her Uncommon discoveries of the Divine Perfections and Glory; and of the Excellency of Christ.
by Sarah Pierrepont Edwards, 1710-1758.
From Dwight, Sereno. The Works of President Edwards: With a Memoir of His Life. Vol. I. New York: G. & C. & H. Carvill. 1830. pp. 171-190.

The Bloom of Monticello.
by Elizabeth Hatcher Sadler.
Richmond, Va.: Whittet & Shepperson, 1926. Copyright not renewed.

Special Collections:
Celebration Editions

The Blue Cat of Castle Town A Day On Skates: The Story of a Dutch Picnic My Father's Dragon
by Catherine Cate Coblentz
Newbery Honor Book, 1950
by Hilda Von Stockum
Newbery Honor Book, 1935
by Ruth Stiles Gannett
Newbery Honor Book, 1949
Newbery Honor Books
and Medal Winners
The Windy Hill By Women
It's Like This, Cat
by Cornelia Meigs
Newbery Honor Book, 1922
[Full exhibit] by Emily Neville
Newbery Medal Winner, 1964
Runner of the Mountain Tops:
The Life of Louis Agassiz
The Quaint and Curious Quest of Johnny Longfoot,
the Shoe King's Son
Spice and the Devil's Cave
by Mabel Louise Robinson
Newbery Honor Book, 1940
by Catherine Besterman
Newbery Honor Book, 1948
by Agnes Hewes
Newbery Honor Book, 1931


The books shown above are titles whose copyrights have expired, in many cases because they were not renewed.
Because they are in the public domain, these books can be legally reproduced online.


Special Collections:

Diplomatic Difficulties
The Woman's Building at the Chicago World's Fair, 1893
Newbery Honor Books and Medal Winners by Women, 1922-1964

Who We Are:

Copyright 1994-2008,
Mary Mark Ockerbloom, Editor.

The Celebration of Women Writers is developed in collaboration with the On-Line Books Page, edited by John Mark Ockerbloom.

Statement of Purpose:

The Celebration of Women Writers recognizes the contributions of women writers throughout history. Women have written almost every imaginable type of work: novels, poems, letters, biographies, travel books, religious commentaries, histories, economic and scientific works. Our goal is to promote awareness of the breadth and variety of women's writing.

All too often, works by women, and resources about women writers, are hard to find. We attempt to provide easy access to available on-line information. The Celebration provides a comprehensive listing of links to biographical and bibliographical information about women writers, and complete published books written by women. (See What's New! for the most recent authors and books added to the listing.)

We are also actively involved in extending those resources. A major focus of the Celebration is the development of on-line editions of older, often rare, out-of-copyright works. We choose works from a range of areas to indicate the variety of interests of women writers. (See "What's Local!" By Author or By Category for a listing of books and biographical information made available on-line by the Celebration of Women Writers.)

Anna Laetitia Barbauld
Packed a quixotic cargo:
She put morals in Coleridge's "Rime"
And bubbles in her own "Washing-Time."
                      -- Nanora Sweet

Authors and Books:

"What's New!"

"What's Local!"
By Author or By Category


Search For Writers:
Using Name, Date, Country, and Ethnicity Information


Browse by Author Name:


Women writers are often known by multiple names. They may have written under both their maiden names and married names (sometimes several!) They may have used pseudonyms (male or female) or written cooperatively as a joint identity. The Celebration writer listings include multiple references to the same author under their variant names.

Browse by Century:

3000 B.C.-1000 A.D. -- 11th Century -- 12th Century -- 13th Century -- 14th Century -- 15th Century -- 16th Century -- 17th Century -- 18th Century -- 19th Century -- 20th Century

Browse by Country:

Albania -- Algeria -- Angola -- Argentina -- Armenia -- Australia -- Austria -- Azores -- Bahrain -- Bangladesh -- Belgium -- Belize -- Benin -- Bermuda Islands -- Bhutan -- Bolivia -- Brazil -- Bulgaria -- Burkina Faso -- Burma -- Cambodia -- Cameroon -- Canada -- Central African Republic -- Chile -- China -- Colombia -- Congo (Brazzaville) -- Congo (Democratic Republic) -- Costa Rica -- Côte d'Ivoire -- Croatia -- Cuba -- Cypress -- Czech Republic -- Denmark -- Dominica -- Dominican Republic -- Ecuador -- Egypt -- El Salvador -- England -- Estonia -- Ethiopia -- Fiji -- Finland -- France -- Gabon -- Germany -- Ghana -- Great Britain -- Greece -- Greenland -- Guadeloupe -- Guatemala -- Guinea -- Guyana -- Haiti -- Hawaii -- Honduras -- Hong Kong (China) -- Hungary -- Iceland -- India -- Indonesia -- Iran -- Iraq -- Ireland -- Isle of Man -- Israel -- Italy -- Jamaica -- Japan -- Jordan -- Kenya -- Korea (North) -- Korea (South) -- Kuwait -- Latvia -- Lebanon -- Liberia -- Libya -- Lithuania -- Macedonia -- Madagascar -- Malawi -- Malaysia -- Mali -- Mauritius -- Mexico -- Morocco -- Mozambique -- Nepal -- Netherlands -- New Guinea -- New Zealand -- Nicaragua -- Nigeria -- Norway -- Pakistan -- Palestine -- Panama -- Paraguay -- Peru -- Philippines -- Poland -- Portugal -- Puerto Rico -- Qatar -- Romania -- Russia -- Rwanda -- Samoa -- Saudi Arabia -- Scotland -- Senegal -- Serbia -- Sierra Leone -- Singapore -- Slovakia -- Slovenia -- Solomon Islands -- Somalia -- South Africa -- Spain -- Sri Lanka -- Sudan -- Suriname -- Swaziland -- Sweden -- Switzerland -- Syria -- Taiwan -- Tanzania -- Thailand -- Tibet (China) -- Togo -- Tonga -- Tunisia -- Turkey -- Uganda -- Ukraine -- United Arab Emirates -- United States -- Uruguay -- Uzbekistan -- Venezuela -- Vietnam -- Wales -- West Indies -- Yemen (Republic) -- Yugoslavia -- Zimbabwe

While the primary focus of the Celebration is to link to resources in English, we hope to make people more aware of the rich variety of writers who come from other countries, many of whom write in other languages. Their works are often widely translated and read. Writers who lived in more than one country may be included in multiple listings. A writer who lived primarily in one country, but wrote works relevant to another country, may also be listed under both.

Browse by Ethnicity:

African American -- Arab -- Asian American -- First Nations -- French Canadian -- Jewish -- Latina -- Muslim -- Romani

In some cases, authors who live in a particular country may be identifiable as members of an ethnic subgroup. In other cases, members of an ethnic group may live in more than one country. Listings by ethnic group are a new addition to the Celebration, so our information is currently quite limited. If you know of writers who should be identified as members of these groups, please let us know.

Felicia Hemans
Was no Samuel Clemens.
When small boys acted like bores
She turned them into Spaniards and Moors.
                      -- Nanora Sweet

Specialty Collections:

The Celebration of Women Writers links to a wide variety of on-line resources, most of them at other sites. Sites for writers groups include biographical pages for members as well as useful resources and contacts. Academic and special-interest sites focus on particular groups, often both men and women. There is lots of interesting information out there, in addition to the biographies and books that are the focus of the Celebration. Explore further in our list of Specialty Collections.

Although she posed for Gainsborough,
Who was so painfully thorough,
Mary Robinson told no tales
About the Prince of Wales.
                      -- Nanora Sweet

Get Involved:

To receive announcements of the titles being published by the Celebration of Women Writers, email me at celebration.women@gmail.com and ask to be added to the BUILD-A-BOOK mailing list, or check the Celebration Blog.

To discuss on-line books, archives, and related issues such as copyright law, join the BookPeople Mailing List, sponsored by the Celebration of Women Writers and the On-Line Books Page.

Donate Information:

You can help by sending us information, including URLs for on-line books, author resources, and archives that we don't list. You can also help by pointing out errors and corrections in the On-line Books Page and the Celebration of Women Writers pages.

The basic format for listing an author includes the author's name, pseudonyms, birth and death dates, and country of origin. I'm always happy to list new published authors. I am also delighted to link to on-line information: just send me the URL for the relevant page. However, I don't have the resources (in terms of either time or space) to create and maintain "about the author" pages in response to other information that people send me.

Email Mary ( celebration.women@gmail.com ) with information for the Celebration of Women Writers.

Donate Time:

If you're interested in putting a book on-line, we provide information pages on Selecting A Book and on Transcribing and Proofreading. Relevant issues when selecting a book include getting ideas for possible authors and titles and determining the copyright status of a book. A list of some of the books which people are working on is available c/o of the On-Line Books Page. The Transcribing and Proofreading pages describe the work involved, and discuss some of the most common errors and problems that occur. We request that you check with us before working on and submitting a book. That way we can tell you if it is already online, or under copyright, or would not be suitable for inclusion on the site for some other reason, before you invest time and energy working on it.

Final Layout and Proofreading:


You can see the Build-a-Books completed in the 1997-1998, 1998-1999, 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 seasons. You can also read the Celebration Blog for announcements and progress.

Donate Books:

Obviously, one of the resources we need is books. We look for older, out-of-copyright works, not necessarily in perfect condition.

Books that we would like to acquire for the Celebration include

We are also particularly interested in finding early works by Canadian women writers, and illustrated children's books from before 1920.

We hope to enjoy doing this for a long time. Thank you for your involvement and support.

Charlotte Smith
Was no maker of myth.
She meant everything she said
While walking round Beachy Head.
                      -- Nanora Sweet

Thanks to Nanora Sweet, for permission to use her delightful clerihews!

Jane Taylor
Was no sailor.
She only got so far
As to wish upon a star.
                      -- Nanora Sweet

Copyright 1994-2008, Mary Mark

PLEASE NOTE that the Celebration of Women Writers listing is copyrighted by Mary Mark. The On-Line Books Page listings are copyrighted by John Ockerbloom. In both cases, the concepts of copyright violation and plagiarism can be applied: it is illegal to reproduce the listings without express permission of the authors/maintainers.

Editor: Mary Mark Ockerbloom