Publications and Resources

State Climate Change Resources

Montana DEQ - Climate Change in Montana
Visitors to the site will be able to learn how key sectors of the Montana economy may be affected by a changing climate including: agriculture, transportation, tourism, and energy supply. The site also examines climate change and its impacts on the valuable natural resources of forestry, water, and wildlife. Recommendations from the Governor's Climate Change Advisory Committee's Final Report have been added to each section.

Montana Climate Change Advisory Committee
Recognizing the profound implications that global warming and climate variation could have on the economy, environment and quality of life in Montana, the Climate Change Advisory Committee (CCAC) was established with the aim of formulating recommendations for specific actions for reducing or sequestering greenhouse gas emissions. The Committee also identified opportunities to promote energy efficient technologies and clean, renewable energy resources that will enhance economic growth.

Montana Climate Challenge
"The Climate Challenge: Strategies for Montana's Future," was a collaborative conference held in September of 2006 that implemented a progressive, proactive approach to address the growing global climate challenge. Under the guidance of experts from agriculture, industry, economics and conservation, participants used information exchange and interactive break-out sessions to produce a working strategy for delivery to the Montana Legislature.

Clark Fork Coaltion, Low Flows, Hot Trout: Climate Change in the Clark Fork Watershed
This new report that explores what the future holds for the Clark Fork basin--its landscape, culture, and economy and is designed to be accessible to the public, informative to those whose livelihoods are directly tied to the river, and illuminating to policymakers looking for effective responses.

Creating Resilient Habitiats: Native Fish Recovery in a Time of Climate Change
This report commissioned and released by the Sierra Club highlights the impacts of global warming on cold water fisheries. The report suggests strategies to protect native fish from climate change through a coordinated combination of eco­system based habitat protection and restoration proposals, education, outreach, and investments in clean alternative energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions - the root cause of climate change.

Montana Audubon - Global Warming & Energy
Information on the effects of global warming on birds and other wildlife and how you can be part of the solution. Includes links to climate change information, carbon footprint calculators and tips on how to reduce your carbon footprint.

Montana Environmental Information Center
MEIC has been focusing on education as the key to creating an awareness of how devastating climate change can be to Montana and the entire world.

Montanans for a Healthy Climate
Montanans for a Healthy Climate is dedicated to safeguarding Montana’s unique outdoor heritage. By bringing together conservation, recreation, agriculture, business, and other communities concerned about Montana’s future, Montanans for a Healthy Climate aims to protect our way of life as we know it

State Energy Resources

AERO's Energy Blueprint
The Alternative Energy Resources Organization (AERO) has created a practical vision for Montana’s energy systems entitled, "Repowering Montana- A Blueprint for Homegrown Energy Self-Reliance: How all of Montana's power needs can be met using conservation and clean, renewable energy while creating jobs, saving money, and revitalizing rural and urban communities."

2008 Montana Environmental Scorecard, League of Conservation Voters
This Scorecard separates those members of Congress who are embracing a new energy future from those who are wedded to the past.

2008 State Energy Efficiency Scorecards, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
This Scorecard ranks all 50 states on energy efficient policies and programs.

Montana Conservation Poll, Montana Conservation Voters Eduation Fund
The poll shows that Montanans express a clear preference for renewable energy over coal, and that support for developing renewable energy, including wind, solar, biofuels and geothermal, is nearly universal as the preferred means of meeting Montana’s energy needs.

Highwood Generating Station Factsheet, Montana Environmental Information Center
Factsheet on DEQ's proposed air permit for Highwood Generating Station.

Regional Climate Change Resources

Western Climate Initiative
The Western Climate Initiative is a collaboration which was launched in February 2007 by the Governors of Arizona, California, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington to develop regional strategies to address climate change. WCI is identifying, evaluating and implementing collective and cooperative ways to reduce greenhouse gases in the region. Montana joined the initiative in November of 2007.

The Consortium for Integrated Climate Research in Western Mountains (CIRMOUNT)
The Consortium for Integrated Climate Research in Western Mountains (CIRMOUNT) is a collaborative, interdisciplinary consortium dedicated to understanding climates and ecosystems of western North American mountains. CIRMOUNT's goal is to bring together researchers from diverse disciplines and institutions to measure and understand climate-driven changes in the unique landscapes that define western North American mountains, and to respond to the needs and challenges of western society for mountain resources imposed by climate change.

National Climate Change Resources

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
The role of the IPCC is to assess on a comprehensive, objective, open and transparent basis the scientific, technical and socio-economic information relevant to understanding the scientific basis of risk of human-induced climate change, its potential impacts and options for adaptation and mitigation.

Alliance for Climate Protection
The Alliance for Climate Protection is a new single-purpose organization to persuade people of the importance, urgency and feasibility of adopting and implementing effective and comprehensive solutions for the climate crisis.

David Suzuki Foundation
The David Suzuki Foundation provides resources, information, and helpful links in understanding climate change science, its impacts on wildlife and human health, and practical, cost-effective solutions.

Presidential Climate Action Project
The Presidential Climate Action Project has developed a bold, comprehensive and non-partisan plan for presidential leadership rooted in climate science and designed to ignite innovation at every level of the American economy.

National Energy Resources

The Sierra Club's CFL Guidelines
Guidelines for selecting, distributing, and recycling environmentally-preferable lightbulbs.

Coal - Frequently Asked Questions, The Sierra Club

Power Plant Poisons from Fossil Fuel Combustion, The Sierra Club

Power Plant Poisons under the Radar, The Sierra Club

Liquid Coal: A Bad Deal for Global Warming, The Sierra Club

Government Loan Guarantees for Dirty Energy , The Sierra Club

The Clean Air Mercury Rule - Weak Control Standards, The Sierra Club

Don't Let Coal Choke our Future, The Sierra Club


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