UC's impact — public investment at work

Graduating California’s future

With more than 1 million UC graduates in the state, California has one of the best-trained work forces in the world. From teachers to technology executives, UC alumni are making a difference in the workplace.

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Training California’s work force

UC educates students in more than 150 fields, preparing tomorrow’s leaders from the boardroom to the classroom. See video of UCLA success stories – student athletes who became doctors, teachers, writers and more.


“Our competitive edge is our education system. We have this system that creates new fields and new ideas. ... We have immense problems before us. It's going to be bright minds from the University of California, the CSU system, who will solve these problems. That’s what you’re investing in.”

-- Stephen Chang, founder of Stemgent and UC Irvine alumnus

Nurturing industry leaders

UC students and faculty have played a critical role in California’s major industries. For example, at least 60 California biotechnology companies – including two of the largest, Genentech and Chiron – have been successfully launched by UC San Francisco faculty, alumni or by their scientific inventions.


Inspiring next-generation businesses

UC, which received $210 million in licensing revenue for fiscal 2006, is putting its research to work at existing companies. UC researchers also are starting businesses that develop energy crops, use nanotechnology to help with desalination and create next-generation glucose monitors for diabetics.


Did you know?

  • UC graduates more than 40,000 students a year and its continuing education classes help about 300,000 students each year polish their job skills.
  • UC awards 7% of the nation’s Ph.D. students, more each year than Stanford, Harvard and Yale combined.
  • UC faculty and alumni have founded 1 out of every 4 biotech companies in California, while nearly 60% of the state’s IT and communications firms have UC alumni as executives.


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