August 19, 1992


Dear Colleagues:

The enclosed University of California Policy on Copyright Ownership is effective immediately. This Policy supersedes the University Copyright Policy, issued August 1, 1975.

The initial revision of the 1975 University Copyright Policy was undertaken by the Intellectual Property Advisory Council because of the need to:

  1. reexamine the Policy in light of changing circumstances and new technologies, particularly in view of the growing importance of computer software; and

  2. ensure that the language of the revised policy would be current and clear with regard to the Federal Copyright Act which became law subsequent to the 1975 University Copyright Policy, and to establish a policy and a mechanism that would project copyright interests of the University of California and its employees under current copyright law.

The enclosed Policy achieves these goals.

In the near future, guidelines and procedures to implement this Policy will be issued by the Senior Vice President--Administration. Each Chancellor should establish or designate an office on his or her campus to serve as a central resource for faculty and staff to consult about the application of this Policy.


David Pierpont Gardner


Associate Vice President Moore
Academic Council Chair Trow
Special Assistant Gardner
Members, Technology Transfer Council
Principal Officers of The Regents

See also related 12/01/99 Guidelines for Compliance with the Online Service Provider Provisions of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act.

Go here for additional information on copyright matters.