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An Evolving Exploration into the Head, Heart and Hands of Energy Descent

4 Dec 2008

From the Transition Cities Conference: Energy Descent Planning Workshop

Energy Descent Plans… The story so far
Presented by Rob Hopkins, John Green & Lucy Neal

#1. Rob Hopkins – Transition Town Totnes

The Energy Descent Action Plan (EDAP) can be considered a community’s Plan B, developed by the community itself and based on more realistic assumptions than what local authorities, businesses and government departments use. The EDAP can be a tool to plot out what the other side of the peak oil curve, the downhill slope, may look like for a particular community.

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Categories: General

2 Dec 2008

A write-up of the 2008 Soil Association conference

Last year’s Soil Association conference offered delegates a deep immersion in the peak oil/Transition debates, and was, for many, a seminal experience. This year’s took the discussions deeper and offered delegates an update on progress since and a re-energiser in terms of the scale of the work needed to be done for food and farming to truly be ‘in Transition’.  You can hear podcasts from the whole conference here and download the pdf of the conference programme here.

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Discussion: 6 Comments

Categories: Food, General, Localisation, Peak Oil, Transition Initiatives

2 Dec 2008

The Transition Cities Conference: The Movie

Deepest thanks to Ed and Sally Collard, who filmed the Nottingham Cities conference and produced the following fantastic film about it… its not the same as having been there, but its as close as you’ll get! There is a higher quality version here, but here is the YouTube version for your delectation.

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Categories: General

1 Dec 2008

Transition Cities Conference. Day 2

The previous night’s social at the Canal House was lively and resulted in much discussion, networking and imbibing.  Eyes weren’t excessively bleary the next day though when we reconvened, most people appearing raring to go at 9.15am for the first workshop session.  There were four to choose from, Diversity in Cities, Cities of Sanctuary, Constellations in Cities and Food in Cities.  Although I was only able to attend the one, notes were taken in the others which will be available soon.

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Categories: General

1 Dec 2008

Volunteers Needed for Transition Food Book Project

Volunteer researchers needed to assist in the collection of material for The Transition Guide to Food. Recent research experience preferable, as is a keen interest and experience in the subject of local food production. I am particularly interested in hearing from anyone in the Surrey/London area, so that we can work face to face - but this is not absolutely necessary. Volunteers needed from now up until Christmas. All contributors will be given due credit in the Guide. Please email Tamzin at or call on 01932 702515 to discuss further.

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Categories: Food