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A Program for calculating singular algebraic curves and surfaces
R Morris 1990-2003
Asurf only Version Help Links, Download, Copyright Release notes

3D curves and surface visualizer

Please wait while the 500Kb class library is loaded.

How to calculate a surface

  1. Enter a definition of the surface in the new JavaView applet window created.
  2. Press the calculate button at the bottom of the window.
  3. Once the surface has been created, drag the mouse in the window in the web page to rotate it.
Other types of surface can be selected from the New menu at the top of the window. Help Links, Download, Copyright

Detailed help on all the options can be found on the Help page. Release Notes (new features).

Examples of curves and surfaces you can try are available on the help pages for Algebraic Surfaces Algebraic Curves Algebraic Curves in 3D Parameterised Surfaces Parameterised Curves Implicit Surfaces.


Copyright Richard Morris 2003

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
(You can copy, distribute and display this works but: Attribution is required, its for Non-Commercial purposes, and it's Share Alike (GNUish/copyleft) i.e. has an identical license.)
It would also be nice if you let me know ( if you link to, redistribute, make a derived work or do anything groovy with this information.
Atribution Non commercial Share alike

Web page, applet and Algebraic Surface program by Richard Morris
Maths home page Personal home page
Email or
Copyright June 2003.