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  IT: Against Unknown Viruses, Avira AntiVir the Winner For Now 2008-12-04 14:37

Posted by timothy on Thursday December 04, @02:37PM
from the evolving-bleakosystem dept.
KingofGnG writes "AV-Comparatives, the Austrian team of experts dedicated to antivirus tests acknowledged as a reference point in the field, has published the second part of the mid-year comparative, an ideal addendum to the one already released in the past September. This time the aim is to evaluate the antimalware tools effectiveness against unknown threats, in a test scenario meant to prove the heuristic part and the generic markers of the on-demand scanning engines." The best in show (of 16 anti-malware packages evaluated), Avira AntiVir was able to find 71% of the unkown malware it was exposed to in the first week, dropping to 67% after the fourth.
it security
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  Science: Next-Gen Mars Rover Mission Delayed 2 Years, to 2011 2008-12-04 14:18

Posted by timothy on Thursday December 04, @02:18PM
from the reschedule-your-vacations-please dept.
Riding with Robots writes "NASA announced today that the Mars Science Laboratory, the agency's next Mars rover mission, is now slated to launch in 2011 instead of next year. 'We've reached the point where we can not condense the schedule further without compromising vital testing,' said NASA's director for Mars exploration. The length of the delay is driven by the fact that the orbits of Earth and Mars only provide a favorable flight window every two years."
space mars klaatu
science mars
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  News: New Hampshire Law Students Take On RIAA 2008-12-04 13:54

Posted by timothy on Thursday December 04, @01:54PM
from the or-die-die-die dept.
The Courts
NewYorkCountryLawyer writes "We have recently learned that another law school legal aid clinic has joined the fight against the RIAA. Student attorneys from the Consumer and Commercial Law Clinic of the Franklin Pierce Law Center in Concord, New Hampshire, working under law school faculty supervision, are representing a lady targeted by the RIAA in UMG Recording v. Roy in New Hampshire. The case is scheduled for trial next Fall. That makes at least 4 law schools providing anti-RIAA defense services: University of Maine, University of San Francisco, Franklin Pierce, and, most recently, Harvard. Hopefully many more will follow. One commentator theorizes that this news 'will ... encourage[e] professors and students at other law schools to take on hitherto defenseless people being pilloried by the corporate music industry.'"
court riaa mafiaa
news court
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  Technology: Political and Technical Implications of GitTorrent 2008-12-04 13:03

Posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday December 04, @01:03PM
from the distribute-this-sucka dept.
lkcl writes "The GitTorrent Protocol (GTP) is a protocol for collaborative git repository distribution across the Internet. Git promises to be a distributed software management tool, where a repository can be distributed. Yet, the mechanisms used to date to actually 'distribute,' such as ssh, are very much still centralized. GitTorrent makes Git truly distributed. The initial plans are for reducing mirror loading, however the full plans include totally distributed development: no central mirrors whatsoever. PGP signing (an existing feature of git) and other web-of-trust-based mechanisms will take over from protocols on ports (e.g. ssh) as the access control 'clearing house.' The implications of a truly distributed revision control system are truly staggering: unrestricted software freedom. The playing field is leveled in so many ways, as 'The Web Site' no longer becomes the central choke-point of control. Coming just in time for that all-encompassing Free Software revolution hinted at by The Rebellion Against Vista, this article will explain more fully some of the implications that make this quiet and technically brilliant project, GitTorrent, so important to Software Freedom, from both technical and political perspectives."
programming git hype gitoffmylawn gittorrent
tech programming
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  Technology: Second Google Android Phone Revealed 2008-12-04 12:12

Posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday December 04, @12:12PM
from the probably-will-give-you-cancer dept.
KrispyDroid writes "The world's second Google Android phone has been unveiled — by an Australian-based electronics company called Kogan. It will ship worldwide on Jan 29. It looks like a surprisingly nice form factor, not unlike a Blackberry Bold. The phones will be sold without a contract at low prices — $A299 ($US192)."
google cellphones paranoid tech qigi
tech cellphones
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  IT: 'Greasemonkey' Malware Targets Firefox 2008-12-04 11:25

Posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday December 04, @11:25AM
from the oh-this-can't-end-well dept.
snydeq writes "Researchers have discovered a new type of malware that collects passwords for banking sites but targets only Firefox. The malware, dubbed 'Trojan.PWS.ChromeInject.A,' sits in Firefox's add-ons folder, registering itself as 'Greasemonkey,' the well-known collection of scripts that add functionality to Web pages rendered by Firefox. The malware uses JavaScript to identify more than 100 financial and money transfer Web sites, including PayPal, collecting logins and passwords, which it forwards to a server in Russia. Trojan infection can occur via drive-by download or download duping."
security mozilla haha !drivebydownload misleadingsummary
it security
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  Apple: Apple Believes Someone Is Behind Psystar 2008-12-04 10:47

Posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday December 04, @10:47AM
from the put-on-your-foil-hats dept.
The Courts
rgraham writes "From the article on Growler: 'Apple apparently believes that somebody else is behind Psystar, which might help to explain why a major law firm would take on what seems like a fly-by-night's case; also why Psystar has been so bold in continuing to sell its products. I knew this thing felt funny. As Alice in Wonderland might put it, "It gets interestinger and interestinger."'"
apple psystar curiouser theapplethe groklaw
apple court
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  Science: Hubble Space Telescope Advent Calendar 2008 2008-12-04 10:02

Posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday December 04, @10:02AM
from the here-ya-go-bob dept.
krou writes "The Big Picture blog is running a Hubble Space Telescope imagery Advent Calendar, where for 25 days (it started on the 1st of December), a new photo will be revealed from the Hubble Space Telescope."
space hubble advent science christmas
science space
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  Technology: Google Was 3 Hours Away From DOJ Antitrust Charges 2008-12-04 09:21

Posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday December 04, @09:21AM
from the not-evil-we-swear dept.
turnkeylinux writes "Google Inc. and Yahoo! Inc. called off their joint advertising agreement just three hours before the Department of Justice planned to file antitrust charges to block the pact, according to the lawyer who would have been lead counsel for the government. 'We were going to file the complaint at a certain time during the day,' says Litvack, who rejoins Hogan & Hartson today. 'We told them we were going to file the complaint at that time of day. Three hours before, they told us they were abandoning the agreement.'"
google yahoo blackmail zomg draconian
tech google
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  Entertainment: 30 Minutes of Frank Miller's The Spirit Reviewed 2008-12-04 08:41

Posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday December 04, @08:41AM
from the wish-i-got-to-see-it dept.
An anonymous reader writes "Thirty minutes of footage from Frank Miller's forthcoming The Spirit were shown to journalists in London yesterday. The description paints a picture of a highly stylized movie, somewhere between Sin City and Crimewave ..."
movies whenhiseyesgodead hype whocares
entertainment movies
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  Developers: Python 3.0 Released 2008-12-04 07:57

Posted by samzenpus on Thursday December 04, @07:57AM
from the break-out-the-cigars dept.
licorna writes "The 3.0 version of Python (also known as Python3k and Python3000) just got released few hours ago. It's the first ever intentionally backwards-incompatible Python release."
python programming endofdays antigravity developers
developers programming
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  Games: Age of Conan Servers To Merge, Funcom Sees Layoffs 2008-12-04 05:47

Posted by Soulskill on Thursday December 04, @05:47AM
from the bailing-water dept.
Role Playing (Games)
Two ominous signs have come recently for Age of Conan fans; developer Funcom went through a round of layoffs, and they announced plans to merge some of the game's servers in order to maintain a "healthy" population. Despite this, Funcom has maintained that development will continue for both the PC version and the upcoming Xbox 360 version of the game, confident that Age of Conan won't follow Tabula Rasa into oblivion. A writer at Vox ex Machina doesn't share that view, pointing to several of the game's flaws as reasons why it didn't maintain the popularity it enjoyed at launch.
games rpg ageofconan mmorpg
games rpg
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  Apple: Apple Hints At Future Liquid-Cooled Laptops 2008-12-04 04:25

Posted by samzenpus on Thursday December 04, @04:25AM
from the cool-me-in-the-water dept.
Lumenary7204 writes "According to the Register, Apple recently received US Patent Application No. 20080291629 for a 'liquid-cooled portable computer.' The filing describes a system where a 'pump ... coupled to the heat pipe is configured to circulate the liquid coolant through the heat pipe.' All claims of obviousness aside (after all, PC enthusiasts have been using liquid and phase-change cooling for years), the existence of the patent application seems to indicate that laptop manufacturers are in agreement with physicists and engineers who say we are running up against the practical limits of air-cooling such compact pieces of equipment."
apple portables patenttroll goodluckwiththat !heatpipe
apple portables
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  Games: Valve's Gabe Newell On DRM 2008-12-04 03:41

Posted by Soulskill on Thursday December 04, @03:41AM
from the he's-pretty-steamed dept.
Ars Technica is running a story about recent comments by Valve's Gabe Newell in which he bluntly stated, "As far as DRM goes, most DRM strategies are just dumb. The goal should be to create greater value for customers through service value (make it easy for me to play my games whenever and wherever I want to), not by decreasing the value of a product (maybe I'll be able to play my game and maybe I won't)." Ars then points out a response by Microsoft's Games for Windows Community Manager Ryan Miller suggesting Rockstar Games' recent decision not to have install limits for the PC version of GTA IV made the use of SecuROM acceptable. GameSetWatch has a related piece discussing the difficulty in measuring piracy and enforcing infringement laws.
drm games gabenewell !newegg steam
games games
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Screenshot-sm   Idle: Prescription Handguns For the Elderly and Disabled 2008-12-04 02:12

Posted by samzenpus on Thursday December 04, @02:12AM
from the take-two-bullets-and-call-me-in-the-morning dept.
Repton writes "Thanks to the Second Amendment, even the elderly have the right to keep and bear arms. The problem is that many of the guns out there are a bit unwieldy for an older person to handle. However, the inventors of the Palm Pistol are planning to change all that with a weapon that is ideal for both the elderly and the physically disabled. In a statement submitted to Medgadget, the manufacturer, Constitution Arms, has revealed the following: 'We thought you might be interested to learn that the FDA has completed its "Device/Not a Device" determination and concluded the handgun will be listed as a Class I Medical Device.' Physicians will be able to prescribe the Palm Pistol for qualified patients who may seek reimbursement through Medicare or private health insurance companies."
humor usa getoffmylawn idle irony
idle humor
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  Games: A Look At Modern Game AI 2008-12-04 01:01

Posted by Soulskill on Thursday December 04, @01:01AM
from the don't-let-major-get-the-railgun dept.
IEEE Spectrum is running a feature about the progress of game AI, and how it's helping to drive AI development in general. They explore several of the current avenues of research and look at potential solutions to some of the common problems. "The trade-off between blind searching and employing specialized knowledge is a central topic in AI research. In video games, searching can be problematic because there are often vast sets of possible game states to consider and not much time and memory available to make the required calculations. One way to get around these hurdles is to work not on the actual game at hand but on a much-simplified version. Abstractions of this kind often make it practical to search far ahead through the many possible game states while assessing each of them according to some straightforward formula. If that can be done, a computer-operated character will appear as intelligent as a chess-playing program--although the bot's seemingly deft actions will, in fact, be guided by simple brute-force calculations."
software programming games minimax fluf
games programming
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  Technology: Who Protects the Internet? 2008-12-03 23:38

Posted by samzenpus on Wednesday December 03, @11:38PM
from the guarding-the-tubes dept.
The Internet
strikeleader writes "TechCrunch has an article from an interview with General Kevin Chilton, US STRATCOM commander and the head of all military cyber warfare. Who protects us? 'Basically no one. At most, a number of loose confederations of computer scientists and engineers who seek to devise better protocols and practices — unincorporated groups like the Internet Engineering Task Force and the North American Network Operators Group. But the fact remains that no one really owns security online, which leads to gated communities with firewalls — a highly unreliable and wasteful way to try to assure security.'"
bigbrother usa internet security chucknorris
tech internet
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  Science: UN Plans Asteroid Response Framework 2008-12-03 21:36

Posted by samzenpus on Wednesday December 03, @09:36PM
from the where's-bruce-willis dept.
chrb writes "The Association of Space Explorers, a non-profit group of people who have completed at least one Earth orbit in space, has presented a report to the United Nations titled Asteroid Threats: A Call for Global Response. The UN will now meet in February to discuss the issue and try to define a global political framework for dealing with asteroid-based threats to the Earth."
space government science finally brucewillis
science space
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  Science: Doctor Performs Amputation By Text Message 2008-12-03 19:50

Posted by samzenpus on Wednesday December 03, @07:50PM
from the l33t-5ki11z dept.
Peace Corps Online writes "Vascular surgeon David Nott performed a life-saving amputation on a boy in DR Congo following instructions sent by text message from a colleague in London. The boy's left arm had been ripped off and was badly infected and gangrenous; there were just 6in (15cm) of the boy's arm remaining, much of the surrounding muscle had died and there was little skin to fold over the wound. 'He had about two or three days to live when I saw him,' Nott said. Nott, volunteering with the medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres, knew he needed to perform a forequarter amputation requiring removal of the collar bone and shoulder blade and contacted Professor Meirion Thomas at London's Royal Marsden Hospital, who had performed the operation before. 'I texted him and he texted back step by step instructions on how to do it,' Nott said."
sms medicine typoinsummary idkarmlol useaphone
science medicine
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  Mobile: Talk-Powered Cell Phones Won't Need Batteries 2008-12-03 18:48

Posted by samzenpus on Wednesday December 03, @06:48PM
from the talk-charging dept.
alphadogg writes "It's possible that in the future conversations on your cell phone could generate enough electrical power to run the phone, without batteries. That's one possible outcome of recent work by a team of Texas researchers, who appear to have discovered that by building a certain type of piezoelectric material to a specific thickness (about 21 nanometers, compared to a typical human hair of 100,000 nanometers), you can boost its energy production by 100 percent. And the technology could power not just phones, but a whole range of low-power mobile devices and sensors. The breakthrough is an example of 'energy harvesting' that can convert one kind of energy, such as vibrations or solar rays, into electricity."
technology handheld vaporware bspower bspowered
mobile cellphones
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  Your Rights Online: Technical Specs Released For Aussie Net Filtering 2008-12-03 17:41

Posted by timothy on Wednesday December 03, @05:41PM
from the for-a-limited-time-only dept.
smallkathryn writes "Technical specifications have just been released for the Australian net filtering trial. The trial, which aims to prove that ISP-level filtering is a viable way to stop 'unwanted content' from reaching users, will go live on 24 December. The trial will involve ISPs choosing a commercially available hardware filter from an internet content filter (ICF) vendor, adding it to their networks, then loading the blacklist of unwanted sites. Still no indication of how peer-to-peer information will be addressed."
censorship internet technology yro goodluckwiththat
yro censorship
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  Ask Slashdot: Optimizing Linux Use On a USB Flash Drive? 2008-12-03 17:18

Posted by timothy on Wednesday December 03, @05:18PM
from the right-here-in-my-pocket dept.
Data Storage
Buckbeak writes "I like to carry my Linux systems around with me, on USB flash drives. Typically, SanDisk Cruzers or Kingston HyperX. I encrypt the root partition and boot off the USB stick. Sometimes, the performance leaves something to be desired. I want to be able to do an 'apt-get upgrade' or 'yum update' while surfing but the experience is sometimes painful. What can I do to maximize the performance of Linux while running off of a slow medium? I've turned on 'noatime' in the mount options and I don't use a swap partition. Is there any way to minimize drive I/O or batch it up more? Is there any easy way to run in memory and write everything out when I shut down? I've tried both EXT2 and EXT3 and it doesn't seem to make much difference. Any other suggestions?"
linux storage askslashdot puppy typoinsummary
askslashdot storage
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  Hardware: Mobile Broadband to Hit 42Mb/sec In 2009 2008-12-03 16:55

Posted by timothy on Wednesday December 03, @04:55PM
from the we'll-see-about-that dept.
Wireless Networking
Barence writes "Mobile broadband speeds could hit a blistering 42Mb/sec as early as next year, according to Ericsson's chief technology officer. The idea seems far-fetched given that even the fastest dongles currently hover at around 7.2Mb/sec, but the technology to smash that barrier is thought to be just around the corner. One of the methods is very similar to the MIMO technology already used in draft-N wireless routers, but Ericsson believes a combination of factors may even squeeze that figure to 80Mb/sec in the longer term."
internet wireless communications vaporware hardware
hardware wireless
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  Linux: Red Flag Linux Forced On Chinese Internet Cafes 2008-12-03 16:12

Posted by timothy on Wednesday December 03, @04:12PM
from the billions-and-billions-served dept.
iamhigh writes "Reports are popping up that Chinese Internet Cafes are being required to switch to Red Flag Linux. Red Flag is China's biggest Linux distro and recently received headlines for their Olympic Edition release. The regulations, effective Nov. 5th, are aimed at combating piracy and require only that cafes install either a legal version of Windows or Red Flag. However, Radio Free Asia says that cafes are being forced to install Red Flag even if they have legal versions of Windows. Obviously questions about spying and surveillance have arisen, with no comment from the Chinese Government."
linux government uspropaganda freedomatgunpoint chinesedemocracy
linux government
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  Your Rights Online: Persistence Pays Off With Israel's First Windows Refund 2008-12-03 15:54

Posted by timothy on Wednesday December 03, @03:54PM
from the paving-the-way dept.
The Almighty Buck
As Niv Lilian reports at Ynet News, Haifa (and the Haifa Linux Club)'s Zvi Devir just preferred to run Linux rather than the pre-installed Windows on his newly bought Dell computer, and didn't want to pay for the unwanted Windows system. Now Devir has prevailed, after a fight in Israeli small-claims court, to become the first Israeli to obtain a Windows refund (also in Hebrew), winning the $137 that Windows added to the cost of his machine and escaping the nondisclosure agreement that Dell had wanted him to abide by as a condition. Perhaps others will follow his lead. Update: 12/03 23:02 GMT by T : Zvi Devir wrote with an update: "BTW, the settlement was out of court, before any court sessions took place."
windows court money yro legal
yro money
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  News: Copper Thieves Jeopardize US Infrastructure 2008-12-03 15:26

Posted by timothy on Wednesday December 03, @03:26PM
from the reloaders-all-well-aware dept.
United States
coondoggie supplies an excerpt from Network World that might make you consider a lock for your pipes: "The FBI today ratcheted up the clamor to do something more substantive about the monumental growth of copper theft in the US. In a report issued today the FBI said the rising theft of the metal is threatening the critical infrastructure by targeting electrical substations, cellular towers, telephone land lines, railroads, water wells, construction sites, and vacant homes for lucrative profits. Copper thefts from these targets have increased since 2006; and they are currently disrupting the flow of electricity, telecommunications, transportation, water supply, heating, and security and emergency services, and present a risk to both public safety and national security." (A July, 2006 post on Ethan Zuckerman's blog gives an idea of how widespread cable theft has affected internet infrastructure, and basketmaking, in Africa.)
networking usa yoink crackheads news
news usa
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  Apple: Apple Says Macs Are Safe, No Antivirus Needed 2008-12-03 14:41

Posted by timothy on Wednesday December 03, @02:41PM
from the thought-we-were-mistaken-but-were-wrong dept.
lobridge writes "Over the last two days multiple news feeds (and Slashdot) have been reporting that Apple has been quietly recommending antivirus software for their machines. It appears now that Apple has deleted an entry on their forums that suggested this and are saying that Mac computers are 'safe out of the box.'"
security apple censorship followthemoney bug
apple security
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  IT: Windows Vista Service Pack 2 Expected Tomorrow 2008-12-03 14:27

Posted by timothy on Wednesday December 03, @02:27PM
from the tomorrow's-tomorrow's-yesterday dept.
arcticstoat writes "After dishing out a few copies of the beta of Windows Vista Service Pack 2 to select customers in October, Microsoft has now decided to let the general public get their hands on the beta of the service pack, starting from tomorrow. The beta of the service pack will be made available via Microsoft's Customer Preview Program on 4 December, and it includes all the updates since Service Pack 1, as well as a few other bits and pieces. Most notably, Microsoft says that Service Pack 2 'improves performance for Wi-Fi connection after resuming from sleep mode,' and adds the Bluetooth 2.1 Feature Pack, ID strings for VIA's Nano CPU and support for the exFAT file system for large flash devices."
microsoft windows it beta vista
it windows
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  Your Rights Online: DMCA Exemptions Desired To Hack iPhones, Remix DVDs 2008-12-03 14:00

Posted by timothy on Wednesday December 03, @02:00PM
from the what's-on-the-shortlist dept.
Hardware Hacking
An anonymous reader writes "For copyright activists, Christmas comes but once every three years: a chance to ask Santa for a new exemption to the much-hated Digital Millennium Copyright Act's prohibitions against hacking, reverse engineering and evasion of Digital Rights Management (DRM) schemes protecting all kinds of digital works and electronic items. Judging from the list of 20 exemptions requested this year [19 shown], some in the cyber-law community are thinking big. The requests include the right to legally jailbreak iPhones in order to use third party software, university professors wishing to rip clips from DVDs for classroom use, YouTube users wishing to rip DVDs to make video mashups, a request to allow users to hack DRM protecting content from stores that have gone bankrupt or shut down, and a request to allow security researchers to reverse engineer video games with security flaws that put end-users at risk." Reader MistaE provides some more specific links to PDF versions: "Among the exemption proposals is a request from the Harvard Cyberlaw Clinic to allow circumvention of DRM protection when the central authorization server goes down, a request from the EFF to allow circumvention to install third party programs on phones, as well as a request for ripping DVDs for non-commercial purposes. There were also several narrow requests from educational institutions to rip DVDs for classroom practices."
hardhack security usa goodluckwiththat yro
yro hardhack
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  Technology: New .tel TLD Now In Use 2008-12-03 13:12

Posted by timothy on Wednesday December 03, @01:12PM
from the pay-at-the-tel-booth dept.
The Internet
rockwood reports that the .tel top level domain has been deployed, "in a first attempt at pushing the recently approved .tel... The top-level domain .tel was approved by ICANN as a sponsored TLD launching on Wednesday, December 3, 2008 to trademark owners of national effect and on February 3, 2009 to anyone who wishes to apply. Its main purpose is as a single management and publishing point for 'internet communication' services, providing a global contacts directory service by housing all types of contact information directly in the DNS."
internet tld icannt tldr net
tech internet
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