U.S. Department of Agriculture

Washington, D.C. 20250





 SUBJECT: National Agricultural Library



March 23, 1990


National Agricultural Library



This regulation describes the organizational alignment and cites the mission, responsibilities, and functions of the National Agricultural Library



This regulation supersedes Departmental Regulation 1020-1. dated October 27, 1981



AGRICOLA - Agriculture on Line Access

CALS - Current Awareness Literature Service

CFR - Code of Federal Regulations

NAL - National Agricultural Library

P L - Public Law

USDA - United States Department of Agriculture



Form AD-245. Request for Publication Form Interlibrary Loan (unnumbered)



a Agency Libraries and Information Centers. All library and information center installations operated by Department agencies other than NAL.

b AGRICOLA. A comprehensive computerized index to agricultural literature produced by NAL.

c CALS. Selective dissemination services from a wide variety of multi-disciplinary bibliographic data bases, including AGRICOLA, Chemical Abstracts and Biological Abstracts.

d Expendable Published Material. Published materials acquired for clipping. distribution, or other similar uses and whose usefulness is exhausted in a relatively brief period are classed as expendable.

They include newspapers: reprints of articles; unbound periodical and serial publications: dictionaries, style manuals, reference aids and similar materials acquired for office use costing less than $500; published materials acquired for training purposes: and published materials purchased by contractors and grantees for their own use under USDA contracts and grants.

e Genomic Sequences. All of the genetic materials in the chromosomes of an organism.

f Non-Expendable Published Material. Publications in the NAL collection. the collections of agency libraries and information centers. reference aids. and all published materials not included under expendable published material are classed as non-expendable.

g Reference aids or working tools. Publications acquired by an agency for the constantly recurring or continual official use of administrative, technical. or professional personnel are classed as reference aids or working tools.

h Stack. Refers to NAL's collection of library materials. including books. journals, papers, audio visual. tapes, records. etc.



a The NAL, under pr of Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1953, and Title 7, CFR is organized to serve the research, extension, regulatory, and other programs of the Department and to serve others who require information which can be derived from specialized publications on agriculture and related fields. It is headed by a Director who reports to the Assistant Secretary for Science and Education.

b The basic operations of NAL are located in the NAL building at Beltsville, Maryland. specialized services are provided from 2 reference center in Washington, .G. and from USDA Agency Libraries and Information Centers.

A list of agency libraries and their addresses can be obtained by writing to:


USDA, National Agricultural Library

Office of the Director

10301 Baltimore Blvd., Room 200

Beltsville, Maryland 20705



a The Department of Agriculture was established by the Act of May 15, 1862, as amended (The Organic Act of 1862), which sets forth a mission, "to acquire and to diffuse among the people of the United States useful information on subjects connected with agriculture, rural development, aquaculture. and human nutrition in the most general and comprehensive sense of those terms." and places upon the Secretary the responsibility to "procure and preserve all information concerning agriculture. rural development, aquaculture. and human nutrition, which he can obtain by means of books..." In carrying out this Departmental charter, the National Agricultural Library (NAL) serves as the Nation's chief agricultural library information resource and service. Its mission is to facilitate access to and utilization of needed information in any medium by agricultural researchers, regulators, educators and extension personnel; those employed in agriculture; those living in rural areas and communities; consumers of agricultural products, and the public at large, insofar as they need agricultural information. As a national library, ft develops and provides agricultural information products and services not only to agencies of the JSCA and the Federal government, but to public and private organizations and individuals as well. The NAL coordinates a national network of public and private agricultural libraries and information centers. especially with libraries of the land-grant colleges and universities, and other state supported colleges and universities with agriculturally related programs, other public organizations, and industry and other private sector organizations.

b Tho NAL ensures the acquisition, organization (including cataloging and indexing), management, preservation, accessibility, and diffusion of information in all phases of the food and agricultural science, as defined in section 1404 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977, as amended, a significant part of this mission is the development and coordination of a national agricultural science library information network. The NAL provides leadership for the management of agricultural information resources through products and services, including bibliographies, loans, photocopies, microforms, structured agricultural thesaurus, computerized data base repositories, Indexing of agricultural Information, and personal reference services Including on-line computerized literature searches. NAL works closely with other agencies In the Department, coordinates closely with the National Library of Medicine and Library of Congress, and cooperates with other groups In both the public and private sectors, to ensure that the results of research and other types of agricultural information are rapidly disseminated to the ultimate user. AL promotes the use of modern technology In support of library and information activities.

c The NAL provides a leadership role In U.S. participation in International agricultural library and Information systems an in efforts to promote worldwide availability of agricultural Information. In addition, the NAL serves as the Nation's major source of agricultural information received from and relayed to other countries, as the agricultural Information liaison to International organizations and organizations outside of the United States, and as the U.S. agricultural representative in the settling of library and information standards internationally.


8 Responsibilities

a The Director of NAL will:

(l) Assure the availability and preservation of relevant Information In agriculture, working through the restructure of a coordinated network.

(2) Serve as the Secretary's agent for carrying out USDA-wide responsibilities relating to general direction of all libraries and bibliographic lnformation services;

(3) Formulate immediate and long-range library policies, procedures, practices, and technical standards necessary to provide adequate loan, bibliographic, reference and research services for scientific, technical research, and administrative staffs of USDA, both In Washington and the field;

(4) Provide consultative service In library and Information science. Including systems for information storage and retrieval, and computer processing of bibliographic information to USDA officials;

(5) Evaluate special library programs developed by agencies of USDA, offering assistance and advice as needed to coordinate library services In USDA and to avoid duplication of effort;

(6) Advise on the establishment, operation, and/or discontinuation of agency libraries and Information centers and as necessary negotiate agreements covering services or other Joint activities involving NAL and these libraries;

(7) Establish or revise current services to meet changing needs. Reserve substantive materials pertinent to agriculture and its related sciences which are needed for effective library service;

(8) Coordinate the collection policy and program of the NAL with the Library of Congress and the National Library of Medicine;

(9) Represent USDA on library and science information matters before Congressional committees, professional societies, and international organizations; and cooperate with other government agencies and educational institutions on all matters relating to library services;

(l0) Serve, as provided by law as an ex-official member of the Science information Council of the National Science Foundation (42 U.S.C. 1877);

(ll) Serve as USDA representative to Federal committees on scientific and technical information and provide coordination of science information activities for the Secretary;

(12) Provide information products and services including copies of materials in the library's collection, and copies of bibliographies prepared by the library;

(13) Organize and coordinate 2 national agricultural science information systems (networks) for procuring, preserving, and diffusing agricultural information, and;

(14) Provide a leadership role in U.S. participation in international agricultural library and information systems and in efforts to promote worldwide availability of agricultural information.

b USDA Agencies will:

(1) Be responsible for the direction and operation of agency libraries and information centers.

(2) Consult with NAL on how their staffs can best be provided library and information services, including establishment and operation of agency libraries and information centers.

(3) Advise the Director of NAL of new agency libraries and information centers so that necessary networks and other communication links can be established.

(4) Advise the Director of NAL of changes in leadership at agency libraries and information centers.

(Additional agency responsibilities are included in other sections of this directive.)



a Requesting Service.

(1) Washington Metropolitan Area EmPloYees. Request service from NAL and other agency libraries and information centers. depending upon subject matter. need and location.

(2) Field employees will generally request services in; the following order:

(a) From an agency library or information center if located-in the area specifically designated to service then;

(b) From land-grant institutions or other local libraries to the extent practical or available;

(c) From NAL.

b Publications.

(1) Two copies of all substantive publications should be forwarded to NAL. Also, agency Journal articles prepared by or issued under the sponsorship of USDA but printed outside the central USDA and Government Printing Office channels, should be forwarded to the NAL:

USDA. National Agricultural Library

Head, Acquisitions & Serials Branch

10301 Baltimore Blvd., Rm. 002

Beltsville. Maryland 20705

 (2) Books or other published materials received by an employee as a result of their official capacity or as a representative of USDA on an official tour should be submitted to the Director of the NAL and if selected, shall become NAL property. Employees of USDA are encouraged to obtain worthwhile materials and submit them to NAL for inclusion in the collection.

c Genomic Sequences and Mapping Information

USDA agency scientists and USDA-funded scientists frequently publish economic sequences or mapping information in the scientific literature. NAL will work closely with appropriate parts of USDA or the scientists themselves, to ensure that the resulting literature and data are included in appropriate data bases and/or data banks.

d Translations.

(l) All agencies of USDA, including field installations, should contact the NAL before procuring or undertaking translations of scientific and/or technical articles, pamphlets, or monographs. The NAL will promptly notify the agency concerning the availability or non-availability of a translation.

(2) Limited P.L. 480 funds are available for some translations. USDA agencies should contact NAL when a translation is needed to learn whether the translation can be handled under the P.L. 480 arrangement.

(3) Three copies of each translation prepared by agency personnel or by their arrangement should be forwarded by the agency to the NAL immediately after completion (see (4) below).

(4) The contact point in NAL for translation clearances and receipts is:

USDA National Agricultural Library

Head Lending Branch 10301

Baltimore Blvd., Rm. 300

Beltsville, Maryland 20705

 e Bibliographies

(1) Upon request, NAL will provide advice and assistance to all agencies of USDA. including field installations, on the development of bibliographies.

(2) Upon completion, two copies of each bibliography shall be forwarded to the NAL. The contact point in NAL for bibliographic information is:

USDA National Agricultural Library

Chief Technical Services Division

10301 Baltimore Blvd.. Rm. 100

Beltsville, Maryland 20705

 (3) Bibliographies and lists on specialized subjects are compiled by NAL, subject to the availability of staff time, research and development in Communication and Information technology.

The policy of NAL is to conduct and coordinate studies, surveys or projects on advance information technology and to provide advice and consultation to other agencies in these areas upon request.

Automated Bibliographic Files and Information Systems. All agencies of USDA, including field installations, should notify the Director of the NAL in advance of undertaking studies, surveys, or projects to automate bibliographic files or catalogues developed or maintained within the agency.



Loans. Borrowers are responsible for the preservation and return of library material charged to them within the loan period designated, or upon request. The NAL will report to the agency any case where there may be employee negligence in connect on with unreturned library material.

b Loan Liability Replacement of library materials. if required by the library installation through which it was borrowed. as well as financial liability determination and recovery from employee, if any, will be the responsibility of the borrower's agency.

(1) Regular Loans.

(a) USDA. Publications may be requested from NAL installations by submitting an NAL Library Request Form AD-245. Oral requests will be accepted when there is an immediate need for the materials. Publications not in the collections of the NAL which are required to meet an employee's official need will be borrowed when available.

(b) Non-USDA. Publications may be borrowed from NAL by submitting a standard interlibrary loan request. Limited oral or other written requests will be accepted under certain circumstances.

(2) Copies in Lieu of Loan.

(a) USDA. NAL provides copies instead of the original publication whenever possible.

(b) Non-USDA. NAL provides copies and/or microforms for a fee. instead of the original publication whenever this is the most inexpensive and advantageous method for filling a loan request.

(3) Indefinite Loans.

NAL materials are not given out for indefinite periods. When a USDA employee has a need for library materials for a long period of time. NAL will help the person purchase the materials. Requests for such materials and assistance should be sent to:

 USDA. National Agricultural Library,

Head Lending Branch Rm. 300

10301 Baltimore Blvd.,

Beltsville. Maryland 20705

 (4) Return of Library Material.

 A loan shall be renewed or returned to the NAL installation through which it was borrowed on or before the due date. Any employee leaving or changing his official station shall return any library material charged to him prior to his departure.

 (5) Recalls.

(a) USDA. All NAL material is subject to recall, regardless of the type or period of loan. Material recalled must be returned as promptly as possible to the installation through which it was borrowed. Failure to comply within 48 hours after receipt of recall request may result in suspension of loan privileges.

(b) Non-USDA. Same as USDA.

(6) Photocopies and Microforms.

(a) The Director of the NAL has authority to make and sell at cost photocopies of all library material in the collections of the NAL in accordance with copyright laws.

(b) Photoduplication Sales.

(1) USDA. NAL provides free photocopies and microforms services to USDA employees for official purposes. However, a fee is charged for additional copies. Official requests for additional copies of non-copyrighted materials shall be cleared through agency procurement offices.

 (2) Non-USDA. Libraries, commercial organizations, and information centers should use the standard interlibrary loan request forms. Individuals should use their local library to obtain interlibrary loan services from the NAL.



To prevent the unauthorized removal of books, periodicals, and other materials, all briefcases, backpacks, suitcases, envelopes, cartons, or other packages are subject to inspection while within the confines of the NAL facilities.



In order to provide the greatest assistance to the largest number of people, it is essential that the NAL have controlled access to the stacks.

A Stack Passes

 (1) USDA

 (a) Requests for passes should be made In person or submitted in writing to:

 USDA, National Agricultural Library

Head Lending Branch

10301 Baltimore Blvd.. Rm. 300

Beltsville, Maryland 20705

 (b) The following information should be given:

 (1) Full name of requestor;

(2) Agency (or other organization);

(3) Business address;

(4) Telephone number;

(5) Brief statement explaining necessity for stack access; and

(6) Length of time permit is required.

(2) Non-USDA. Requests for stack passes by persons outside USDA are granted on a case-by-case basis and then only to those requesters who require access to large volumes of materials or specific subject areas. The procedures are the same as for USDA.

b USDA Instruction sheets for use of stacks are available to authorized users at the Information/Circulation Desk. Passes are valid for the period designated. Stack passes will be kept at the Loan Desk and must be returned after use each day. Failure to comply with the instructions and these guidelines may result in revocation of privileges.


c Renewal of Permit. Requests for renewals are the responsibility of the individual.



a Within USDA. The NAL answers requests submitted in person, by telephone, by mail, or by electronic means for information in the field of agriculture or the related sciences which can be secured from published materials or relevant databases. Except for legislative reference questions relating to matters pending in the current Congress which should be referred to the Office of General Counsel's Library.

b Outside USDA. The NAL responds to requests submitted in person. by telephone, by mail or by electronic means in the fields of agriculture or the related sciences ff the requestor is not able to obtain the information from local resources. A fee may be involved for extended services.



a Ownership. All non-expendable published materials purchased or acquired by USDA agencies are the property of the NAL. When they are no longer needed by the agency. AL should be contacted regarding their disposition. Contact:

USDA. National Agricultural Library

Head. Gift & Exchange Unit

10301 Baltimore Blvd., Rm. 002

Beltsville. Maryland 20705

 b Agency Publications and other materials. To assure acquisition by the NAL. and access by all employees of USDA. agencies should submit copies of all their publications. Translations and materials received at conferences and meetings to the NAL.



a NAL. The NAL purchases. within available funds, on a priority basis. those publications necessary for the fulfillment of its mission.

 b Department Agencies. USDA agencies should purchase reference publications necessary for journal routing and for use as reference aids. or working tools.

c Agency Libraries and Information Centers. These units should purchase reference an other materials necessary for carrying out their responsibility.



The NAL accepts gifts of all forms. including paper materials software and audio-visual material, etc. While donation of publications is appreciated. it is generally-impractical to accept gifts under conditions which may restrict or limit their usefulness. or result in undue expense of upkeep unless such gifts are accompanied with adequate resources to support their special maintenance needs.



a Exchange Agreements. Before USDA publications may be sent free of charge to any foreign address. exchange arrangements must be made by the NAL Exchange Program. ExcePtions may be granted by the Director of NAL.

b Foreign Exchange Mailing Lists. The Director of the NAL is responsible for all additions to or revisions of foreign exchange mailing lists.



The Director of the NAL makes a contract on a fiscal year basis for bookbinding under a waiver granted by the Government Printing Office. This contract may be used by any agency. Specifications and other pertinent information concerning the contract may be requested from:

USDA, National Agricultural Library Head,

Acquisitions Serials Branch

10301 Baltimore Blvd.. Rm. 002

Beltsville, Maryland 20705



a Surplus Materials. The Director of the NAL, as authorized by law. may exchange surplus published materials for other publications (44 U.S.C, 1721).

b Expendable Publications. Disposition of expendable publications may be effected by agencies at their discretion.

c Non-expendable Publications. Non-expendable published materials surplus to the needs of an agency or agency field library shall be disposed of only upon authorization of the Director of the NAL. Washington Metropolitan area offices. agency field offices, and agency libraries and information centers shall send a list of surplus publications clearly identified as such to:

USDA, National Agricultural Library Chief,

Technical Services Division,

1001 Baltimore Blvd.. Rm. 100

Beltsville. Maryland 20705