United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Soil Taxonomy

The second edition of Soil Taxonomy, A Basic System of Soil Classification for Making and Interpreting Soil Surveys is now available here in PDF format for printing or viewing. A printed copy is also available.

The PDF file incorporates errata dated 5/00 and 8/02.

The following documents require Acrobat Reader.

Soil Taxonomy Text (PDF; 9.9 MB)
Soil Taxonomy Maps (PDF; 15.1 MB)
Errata Sheet for Soil Taxonomy (PDF; 7 KB)

A printed copy of the second edition of "Soil Taxonomy" is available from the following source:

Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Government Printing Office
P.O. Box 371954
Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954

Phone toll free: 866-512-1800
(D.C. area 202-512-1800)
FAX: 202-512-2250

Website: http://bookstore.gpo.gov
Price U.S. $96.50
Non-U.S. $135.10
Stock number: 001-000-04663-2

Proposals to Amend Soil Taxonomy

Several proposals to revise Soil Taxonomy are posted.  Check this site for new proposals to be posted by February 29, 2008.  The review period extends through May 30, 2008.  These proposals will be reviewed by the Soil Taxonomy Committees at their respective NCSS conferences in June.  For conference details, see http://www.soils.usda.gov/partnerships/ncss/conferences/regional.html.

The following document requires Acrobat Reader.

Proposals – August 2007 (PDF; 250 KB)

The PDF file requires Acrobat Reader and the XLS file requires Microsoft Excel.

Proposals – January 2008 (PDF; 213 KB)
List of Series – January 2008 (XLS; 195 KB)

The following document requires Acrobat Reader.

Proposals – February 2008 (PDF; 250 KB)

The following document requires Acrobat Reader.

Proposals – March 2008 (PDF; 250 KB)

The PDF file requires Acrobat Reader and the XLS file requires Microsoft Excel.

Proposals – April 2008 (PDF; 171 KB)
Series with Gypsum – April 2008 (XLS; 1.2 MB)

Comments (email preferred) can be sent to your Regional Taxonomy Committee Chairperson, or directly to:

Craig Ditzler
National Leader for Soil Survey Standards
100 Centennial Mall North, Room 152
Lincoln, NE  68508-3866