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What's New?

{short description of image}Sweet Corn Workshop, Grand Rapids, MI (Dec. 2008)
{short description of image}Great Lakes Cucurbit IPM and Crop Management Videos-2007
{short description of image}2008 Adult Vial Test (AVT) Results
{short description of image}Variety Trials (Purdue University)
{short description of image}Grape IPM Guide for Minnesota Producers
(U of M)
{short description of image}Minnesota Fruit Production and IPM Web Site
{short description of image}Section 18 Approved for Coragen™(Rynaxypyr) for Corn Earworm Control in Sweet Corn (MN)
(Section 18 Emergency Exemption Directions)
{short description of image}Healthy Grown Initiative-Wisconsin
{short description of image}2008 Midwest Vegetable Production Guide Available!
{short description of image}Current MN Fruit &Vegetable IPM News
{short description of image}U..S. Drought Monitor (animation) - 2007
{short description of image}New National H. zea Flight Map (Debut July 2007, Penn State)
{short description of image}
Expansion of Corn Earworm Trap Network Highlighted (July 2007)
{short description of image}Midwest Pest Forecasting System for Corn Earworm, and friends
{short description of image}Corn Earworm Flight and Pyrethroid Resistance Updates
{short description of image}Are Natural Foods Safe? What about all the Recalls? (U of M Responds)
{short description of image}2005 Edition of '
Vegetable Insect Management' Now Available
{short description of image}Change in "Base Acre" Rules May Allow Increase in Vegetable, Fruit Production
{short description of image}Current Guidelines for Pesticide Plant-Back Restrictions
{short description of image}What's your ERP IQ? (U of MN Agricultural Safety and Health program)
{short description of image}Western Bean Cutworm Distance Course-February 2007
{short description of image}Annual Midwest Vegetable Variety Trial Reports
{short description of image}Vegetable Variety Trial Reports (Midwest, Canada)
{short description of image}Is IPM Too Risky?  New Publication, Minn. Ext. Service
{short description of image}New Organic Agriculture Symposium Proceedings, Now available
{short description of image}New bilingual publication Re: Pros/Cons of Marketing Fruits & Vegetables (ISU)
{short description of image}Related Publications in Spanish, for sale or PDF Download (ISU)
{short description of image}Farm Safety, Public Service Announcements for Late-Summer and Fall (MP3 Audio Links) Dr. John Shutske, University of Minnesota Extension Service
{short description of image}Sweet Corn Disease Research-Univ. of Illinois
{short description of image}Small Farm Resource Guide, Second Edition
{short description of image}Pesticide Residue Testing Labs
{short description of image}Updated Pesticide Use Labels
{short description of image}
Headline (BASF) fungicide for control of Asian Soybean Rust in edible podded beans and succulent peas
{short description of image}ISU Cucurbit IPM Web site
{short description of image}Minnesota Extension Service News Releases
{short description of image}Colored Mulch Research with Selected Veggies, Univ. of IL
{short description of image}
Feedback from Growers and Agricultural Professionals
{short description of image}Research Updates
{short description of image}AgriSurf!
{short description of image}National Pesticide Information Retrieval System

New or Recently Revised Fact Sheets

{short description of image}Grape Flea Beetle
{short description of image}Springtails
{short description of image}Cabbage Looper
{short description of image}Compsilura concinnata
{short description of image}Diadegma insulare
{short description of image}Green Lacewing
{short description of image}Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle
{short description of image}Tomato Hornworm
{short description of image}Bean Leaf Beetle

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Last Revised December, 2008 by
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