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Registered Charity No. 1057719

Index of Common Names: B

Latin Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Common Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Adria Bellflower
Adriatic Bellflower
Adriatic Bellflower
Alaska Blueberry
Alder Buckthorn
Alleghany Blackberry
Allegheny Barberry
Alpine Bearberry
Alpine Bistort
Alpine Blueberry
Alpine Spring Beauty
American Basswood
American Beautyberry
American Beech
American Bistort
American Blackcurrant
American Bladder Nut
American Blue Vervain
American Brooklime
American Bulrush
American Great Burnet
Annual Beardgrass
Arctic Bramble
Asian Bistort
Asian Poison Bulb
Australian Bindweed
Australian Bugle
Avignon Berry
Ba Jiao Hui Xian
Babbington's Leek
Baboon Root
Baby's Breath
Bachelor's Button
Bai Bei Feng
Bai Tou Weng
Bai Wei
Bai Zhi
Bai Zhu
Baikal Skullcap
Balkan Clary
Balloon Flower
Balm Of Gilead
Balm Of Gilead
Balsam Fir
Balsam Poplar
Balsam Root
Balsamic Sage
Baltic Rush
Bamboo Fern
Bamboo Lily
Bamboo Lily
Ban Xia
Banana Passion Fruit
Banana Shrub
Banksia Rose
Barbed Skullcap
Barilla Plant
Barley Mitchell Grass
Barnyard Millet
Basil Thyme
Bastard Balm
Bastard Fig
Bastard Oleaster
Bastard Stone-Parsley
Bastard Toad Flax
Bastard Toad Flax
Bath Asparagus
Baw-Baw Berry
Bay Tree
Bay Willow
Bayonet Grass
Beach Aster
Beach Flax Lily
Beach Grass
Beach Pea
Beach Pea
Beach Pine
Beach Plum
Beach Strawberry
Beach Wormwood
Beachhead Iris
Bead Plant
Bead Tree
Beaded Sedge
Beak Willow
Beaked Cornsalad
Beaked Hazel
Bear Huckleberry
Bear's Breeches
Bear's Ear
Beaumont's Root
Bedstraw Milkweed
Bee Orchid
Beggar Ticks
Beggar's Ticks
Bei Bian Huang Qi
Bei Chai Hu
Bei Sha Shen
Bei Wu Tou
Bella Sombra
Bentham's Cornel
Bering Sea Spring Beauty
Bermuda Blue-Eyed Grass
Bermuda Buttercup
Bermuda Grass
Berry Bladder Fern
Berry-Bearing Catchfly
Beth Root
Bian Dou Cai
Bible Hyssop
Biennial Wormwood
Big Bluestem
Big Tree
Big-Cone Pine
Big-Fruit Hawthorn
Big-Leaf Lupin
Big-Node Bamboo
Big-Tooth Maple
Bigberry Manzanita
Bigfruit Dodder
Bighead Clover
Bigleaf Aster
Bigleaf Magnolia
Bigroot Geranium
Bigseed Biscuitroot
Birch Bark Cherry
Birch-Leaved Pear
Bird Cherry
Bird Grape
Bird Of Paradise
Bird's Foot Trefoil
Bird's Foot Violet
Birdbill Dayflower
Birdsfoot Fenugreek
Bishop's Pine
Bishop's Weed
Bitter Bark
Bitter Bloom
Bitter Cherry
Bitter Milkwort
Bitter Orange
Bitter Orange
Bitter Sneezeweed
Bitter Vetch
Bitter Vetch
Black Apple
Black Apricot
Black Ash
Black Bamboo
Black Beech
Black Bindweed
Black Box
Black Bryony
Black Caraway
Black Chokeberry
Black Cohosh
Black Cumin
Black Elder
Black Eyed Susan
Black Hawthorn
Black Hellebore
Black Hellebore
Black Hickory
Black Highbush Blueberry
Black Horehound
Black Huckleberry
Black Huckleberry
Black Knapweed
Black Locust
Black Maple
Black Medick
Black Mulberry
Black Mustard
Black Nightshade
Black Oak
Black Oak
Black Peppermint
Black Persimmon
Black Poplar
Black Raspberry
Black Sagebrush
Black Saltwort
Black Sassafras
Black Sloe
Black Snakeroot
Black Spleenwort
Black Spruce
Black Tree Fern
Black Tupelo
Black Walnut
Black Wattle
Black Willow
Blackcurrant Sage
Blackjack Oak
Blackseed Plantain
Bladder Campion
Bladder Dock
Bladder Ground Cherry
Bladder Nut
Bladder Pod
Bladder Pod
Bladder Senna
Blanket Flower
Blazing Star
Bleeding Heart
Blessed Thistle
Blond Psyllium
Blood Root
Blue Ash
Blue Brush
Blue Chives
Blue Elder
Blue Flag
Blue Flax Lily
Blue Funnel Lily
Blue Grama
Blue Grass Lily
Blue Grass Lily
Blue Grass Lily
Blue Hesper Palm
Blue Lettuce
Blue Lupin
Blue Lupine
Blue Mallee
Blue Oak
Blue Panic Grass
Blue Poppy
Blue Sage
Blue Sausage Fruit
Blue Sow Thistle
Blue Spider Wort
Blue Spruce
Blue Toadflax
Blue Wild Rye
Blue-Leaved Wattle
Blueberry Ash
Bog Bilberry
Bog Heather
Bog Myrtle
Bog Rosemary
Bog Stitchwort
Bog Wintergreen
Boggabri Weed
Bokhara Plum
Bolander's Onion
Bollwyller Pear
Boston Ivy
Bottle Gourd
Bower Spinach
Bowltube Iris
Bowstring Hemp
Box Elder
Box Elder
Box Huckleberry
Box Myrtle
Box Thorn
Boxleaf Honeysuckle
Boz-Pirnal Oak
Branched Indian Clover
Branched Pencil Cholla
Branching Bur-Reed
Branching Phacelia
Brass Buttons
Bread Wheat
Briançon Apricot
Bridalwreath Spiraea
Bristle Oats
Bristle-Cone Pine
Bristly Fiddleneck
Bristly Greenbrier
Bristly Locust
Bristly Ox-Tongue
Bristly Sarsaparilla
Brittle Bladder Fern
Brittle Bush
Broad Bean
Broad-Leaved Geebong
Broad-Leaved Pondweed
Broad-Leaved Spring Beauty
Broad-Leaved Thyme
Broadleaf Bamboo
Broadleaf Hemp Nettle
Broadleaf Milkweed
Broadleaf Stonecrop
Broadstemmed Onion
Bronvaux Medlar
Broom Rape
Broomsedge Bluestem
Brown Bee Orchid
Brown Knapweed
Brown Mustard
Brown Watercress
Brown's Peony
Brush Cherry
Brush Cherry
Brush Kurrajong
Brush Pepperbush
Brussels Sprouts
Bu Gu Zhi
Buck's-Horn Plantain
Buckler-Leaved Sorrel
Buckley's Yucca
Buerger's Figwort
Buffalo Berry
Buffalo Berry
Buffalo Currant
Buffalo Gourd
Bug Orchis
Bulbous Barley
Bulbous Bittercress
Bulbous Buttercup
Bulbous Springparsley
Bull Mallow
Bull Oak
Bunchflower Daffodil
Bunny Ears
Bur Cucumber
Bur Reed
Burnet Rose
Burnet Saxifrage
Burning Bush
Burr Marigold
Burr Oak
Bush Basil
Bush Cherry
Bush Chinkapin
Bush Grape
Bush Grape
Bush Groundsel
Bush Honeysuckle
Bush Lawyer
Bush Lawyer
Bush Moon Flower
Bush Palmetto
Bush Seepweed
Bush Sour Cherry
Bush Vetch
Bush Vetchling
Bushman's Toilet Paper
Bushy Wallflower
Butcher's Broom
Butterfly Bush
Butterfly Ginger
Butterfly Mariposa Lily
Butterfly Orchid
Butterfly Pea
Button Bush
Button Eryngo
Button Grass
Button Snakeroot
California Barberry
California Blackberry
California Broomrape
California Buttercup
California Sea Blite
Californian Bayberry
Californian Black Oak
Californian Black Sage
Californian Brome
Californian Buckeye
Canada Beadruby
Canterbury Bells
Cape Barren Tea
Carolina Basswood
Cat's Breeches
Celery-Leaved Buttercup
Ceylon Blackberry
Chapman's Blazing Star
Cheese Berry
Cherry Bark Elm
Cherry Birch
Chilean Bellflower
Chimney Bellflower
Chinese Bayberry
Chinese Boxthorn
Chinese Buckthorn
Chinese Sea Buckthorn
Christmas Berry
Christmas Berry
Christmas Bush
Chuan Bei Mu
Climbing Bittersweet
Closed Bottle Gentian
Clustered Bellflower
Coast Ballart
Coast Banksia
Coastal Black Gooseberry
Colorado Barberry
Columbian Bitterroot
Common Blue Wood Aster
Common Buckthorn
Corn Buttercup
Cornish Bellflower
Creeping Bellflower
Creeping Blueberry
Creeping Bramble
Creeping Buttercup
Creosote Bush
Cricket Bat Willow
Crimson Bottlebrush
Crispleaf Buckwheat
Cupid's Shaving Brush
Currant Bush
Dahurian Buckthorn
Darwin's Barberry
Deer Brush
Deltoid Balsamroot
Desert Biscuitroot
Devil's Bit Scabious
Devil's Bite
Dryland Blueberry
Dutchman's Breeches
Dwarf Banana
Dwarf Barberry
Dwarf Bilberry
Dwarf Birch
Dwarf Chaparral Broom
Dwarf Fern-Leaf Bamboo
Dwarf Red Blackberry
Dwarf White-Striped Bamboo
Dyer's Buckthorn
Egyptian Barley
Elm-Leaved Bramble
Ethiopian Banana
False Buckwheat
Fernleaf Biscuitroot
Fever Bush
Field Bindweed
Florida Evergreen Blueberry
Foetid Bugbane
Fountain Bamboo
Foxtail Barley
Fragrant Bedstraw
Fragrant Virgin's Bower
French Bean
Georgia Blueberry
Giant Colombian Blackberry
Giant Timber Bamboo
Goat's Beard
Goat's Beard
Gold Birch
Golden Bamboo
Golden Bells
Graceful Buttercup
Great Basin Spring Beauty
Great Blue Lobelia
Great Burdock
Great Burnet
Great Leopard's Bane
Greater Bird's Foot Trefoil
Greater Bird's Foot Trefoil
Greater Burnet Saxifrage
Green Bristle Grass
Grey Birch
Grey Sage Brush
Hag Briar
Hairy Bittercress
Hairy Brome
Half-Black Bamboo
Hard Stem Bulrush
Hardy Begonia
Hedge Bamboo
Hedge Bedstraw
Hedge Bindweed
Hemp Bush
High-Bush Blueberry
Highbush Blackberry
Hillside Blueberry
Himalayan Bird Cherry
Himalayan Blue Pine
Himalayan Giant Blackberry
Hind's Black Walnut
Hoary Balm Of Gilead
Hoary Balsamroot
Horse Brier
Hudson Bay Currant
Hyacinth Bean
Hyacinth Brodiaea
Hybrid Berries
Indian Basket Grass
Indian Bean Tree
Indian Belladonna
Indian Breadroot
Indian Paper Birch
Indigo Bush
Italian Buckthorn
Japanese Banana
Japanese Barberry
Japanese Beech
Japanese Beech
Japanese Bindweed
Japanese Bird Cherry
Japanese Bird Cherry
Japanese Black Pine
Japanese Box
Kamchatka Bilberry
Kenai Birch
Kentucky Blue Grass
Kittatinny Blackberry
Komarov's Bugbane
Korean Barberry
Korean Bellflower
Korean Bramble
Lady's Bedstraw
Lanceleaf Spring Beauty
Large Beard Tongue
Large Bittercress
Large-Cluster Blueberry
Lemon Balm
Lemon Bergamot
Lemonade Berry
Lesser Broomrape
Lesser Burdock
Lily Of The Valley Bush
Lima Bean
Lime Berry
Longleaf Buckwheat
Love Lies Bleeding
Low Sweet Blueberry
Low Sweet Blueberry
Low-Running Blackberry
Magellan Barberry
Manchurian Baby's Breath
Marsh Blue Violet
Meadow Buttercup
Meadow Crane's Bill
Mescal Bean
Mexican Barberry
Mexican Barberry
Mexican Barberry
Mexican Blue Oak
Meyer Bamboo
Milky Bellflower
Mint Bush
Mint-Leaved Bergamot
Moldavian Balm
Moreton Bay Chestnut
Moreton Bay Fig
Morning Brides
Mountain Beech
Mountain Bell
Mountain Bladder Fern
Mountain Brome
Mountain Brome
Mouse Barley
Mustang Mountain Balm
Myrtle Beech
Nagoon Berry
Narrow Buckler Fern
Nepalese Crane's Bill
Nepalese Paper Bush
Nevada Bulrush
Nine Star Perennial Broccoli
Nineleaf Biscuitroot
Northern Bayberry
Northern Bedstraw
Northern Biscuitroot
Ohio Buckeye
Orange Ball Tree
Oregon Cut-Leaf Blackberry
Oriental Beech
Oriental Bittersweet
Oso Berry
Oval Heron's Bill
Pale Ballart
Pale Bastard Toadflax
Pale Spring Beauty
Palo Blanco
Panicled Bulrush
Paper Birch
Parry's Bellflower
Partridge Berry
Pearl Berry
Pennsylvania Buttercup
Perennial Buckwheat
Pigmy Bitterroot
Pine Bluegrass
Pink Mountain Berry
Pinnate Boronia
Pirri-Pirri Bur
Porcelain Berry
Prickly Blackcurrant
Quail Bush
Quebec Berry
Queensland Bluebush
Rabbit-Eye Blueberry
Rabbiteye Blueberry
Red Baneberry
Red Bay
Red Beech
Red Berry
Red Bilberry
Red Bloodwood
Red Bryony
Red Buckeye
Red Wild Buckwheat
Ripgut Brome
River Beauty
River Birch
River Bulrush
Rocky Mountain Beeplant
Rose Balsam
Rough Bugleweed
Rough-Seed Buttercup
Runner Bean
Sacred Bamboo
Sage Brush
Salad Burnet
Salmon Barberry
Sand Blackberry
Sandfly Bush
Santa Barbara Ceanothus
Scrub Birch
Sea Beet
Sea Bilberry
Sea Bindweed
Sea Blite
Sea Buckthorn
Sea Buckthorn
Seaside Buckwheat
Seaside Bulrush
Seven Barks
She Balsam
Silver Banksia
Silver Beech
Silver Birch
Six-Row Barley
Skunk Bush
Slender Branched Gooseberry
Slender Buckwheat
Small Bur-Parsley
Small Indian Breadroot
Small-Cluster Blueberry
Smooth Brome
Snake's Beard
Soft Brome
Soft-Stem Bulrush
Sourtop Blueberry
Southern Black Haw
Southern Sea Blite
Soya Bean
Spanish Bayonet
Spanish Bayonet
Spanish Bayonet
Spanish Broom
Spice Bush
Spinach Beet
Sprat Barley
Spring Beauty
Square Bamboo
St. Barnaby's Thistle
Star Of Bethlehem
Star Of Bethlehem
Stone Bamboo
Stone Bramble
Stork's Bill
Strawberry Blite
Strawberry Bush
Sugar Beet
Sugar Bush
Sugar Bush
Sugar Bush
Swamp Highbush Blueberry
Sweet Basil
Sweet Briar
Sweet Buckeye
Sweet Butterbur
Sweet Pepper Bush
Sweetshoot Bamboo
Syrian Bean Caper
Tall Blue Lettuce
Tartar Bread Plant
Tartarian Buckwheat
Tasmanian Blue Gum
Thin-Leaf Brookweed
Thorny Bamboo
Threepetal Bedstraw
Threetip Sage Brush
Tibetan Sea Buckthorn
Tick Bean
Tonkin Bamboo
Toothed Bur-Clover
Trailing Bellflower
Trailing Bellflower
Tuberous Spring Beauty
Turkey Bush
Tussock Bellflower
Two-Rowed Barley
Umbrella Bamboo
Umbrella Bamboo
Upland Bent
Viper's Bugloss
Water Betony
Water Birch
Water Blinks
Water Bulrush
Water Bush
Wavy Bittercress
Western Balsam Poplar
Western Blueberry
Western Buttercup
Wetern Blackcurrant
White Balsam
White Baneberry
White Basil-Balm
White Basswood
White Birch
White Birch
White Bog-Orchid
White Bryony
Whitestem Blazing Star
Wild Basil
Wild Bergamot
Wild Soya Bean
Willow-Leaved Sea Buckthorn
Winged Bean
Winged Buckwheat
Winter's Bark
Wombat Berry
Wood Betony
Woolly Grass Bulrush
Wooly Blue Violet
Yankee Blackberry
Yellow Bee Orchid
Yellow Birch
Yellow Box
Yellow Bristle Grass
Yellow Star Of Bethlehem
Yellow-Groove Bamboo
Yerba Buena
Zhe Bei Mu
Zig-Zag Bamboo

Latin Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Common Names: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

All the information contained in these pages is Copyright (C) Plants For A Future, 1996-2008.

Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity No. 1057719, Company No. 3204567, 

HTML version prepared by Rich Morris - Home Page

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