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Index of Common Names: L

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African lily
Alpine lady's mantle
Alpine leek
American cherry laurel
American liquorice
American liverleaf
American liverleaf
American water lotus
Arum lily
Atamasco lily
August lily
Avalanche lily
Avelanche lily
Avelanche lily
Avelanche lily
Babbington's leek
Bamboo lily
Bamboo lily
Beach flax lily
Big-leaf lupin
Black locust
Blue flax lily
Blue grass lily
Blue grass lily
Blue grass lily
Blue lettuce
Blue lupin
Blue lupine
Bristly locust
Bush lawyer
Bush lawyer
Butterfly mariposa lily
Cabbage Lettuce
California laurel
Canada lettuce
Canadian licorice root
Caspian locust
Catalina Mountain Lilac
Cedar of Lebanon
Cherry laurel
Chilean laurel
Chinese lantern
Chinese lespedeza
Chinese lespedeza
Chocolate lily
Chocolate lily
Chocolate lily
Clammy locust
Coastal day lily
Columbia tiger lily
Common day lily
Common lespedeza
Common lime
Common lomatium
Common lousewort
Coral lily
Cos lettuce
Cotton lavender
Creeping lady's tresses
Cutting lettuce
Dahurian larch
Desert lily
Dunkeld hybrid larch
Egyptian leek
Fawn lily
Fernleaf licoriceroot
Few-flowered leek
Fire lily
Flax lily
Flax lily
Flax lily
Fragrant water lily
French lavender
Fringed lily
Giant larkspur
Golden larch
Golden lily
Golden spider lily
Golden-rayed lily
Gooseneck loosestrife
Grassleaf day lily
Great blue lobelia
Great leopard's bane
Han Lian Cao
Honey locust
Hong Kong lily
Hua qu liu
Huang Lian
Hulten's licoriceroot
Hungarian lilac
Indian lettuce
Irish lace
Jacob's ladder
Japanese larch
Japanese lime
Kamchatka lily
Korean lawn grass
Korean lespedeza
Labrador rose
Labrador tea
Labrador tea
Labrador violet
Lace-bark pine
Lacquer tree
Lady fern
Lady's bedstraw
Lady's hand
Lady's hand
Lady's mantle
Lady's tresses
Lamwick plant
Lanceleaf spring beauty
Land cress
Lapland rosebay
Large Russian vetch
Large beard tongue
Large bittercress
Large gallberry
Large leather root
Large leaved lime
Large petiole mustard
Large toothwort
Large yellow foxglove
Large-cluster blueberry
Large-flower evening primrose
Large-flowered calamint
Large-leaf dogwood
Largeflower wild onion
Late spider orchid
Laurel greenbrier
Laurel magnolia
Lawson cypress
Le Conte pear
Lead plant
Leaf celery
Leaf mustard
Least duckweed
Least yellow sorrel
Leather leaf
Leather wood
Leather wood
Lebanon oak
Lemon balm
Lemon bergamot
Lemon geranium
Lemon marigold
Lemon sumach
Lemon tea-tree
Lemon thyme
Lemon verbena
Lemon-scented gum
Lemon-scented tea tree
Lemonade berry
Leopard lily
Leopard plant
Lesser broomrape
Lesser burdock
Lesser calamint
Lesser celandine
Lesser dodder
Lesser periwinkle
Lesser spearwort
Leyland cypress
Lian Qiao
Licorice fern
Lie dang
Lilac daphne
Lilac oxalis
Lily of the valley
Lily of the valley
Lily of the valley bush
Lily tree
Lily turf
Lima bean
Limber pine
Lime berry
Linden viburnum
Ling xiang cao
Lion's foot
Liquorice root
Liquorice root
Little mouse-ear chickweed
Littleleaf mock orange
Live oak
Live oak
Live oak
Loblolly pine
Loce restorer
Lodgepole pine
London rocket
Long Dan Cao
Long leaved scurvy grass
Long-head poppy
Longleaf buckwheat
Longleaf jointfir
Longleaf mat-rush
Longray tripletlily
Longstalk spring parsley
Lord Anson's pea
Louisiana canna
Love lies bleeding
Low milkweed
Low prairie rose
Low sweet blueberry
Low sweet blueberry
Low-running blackberry
Lundy cabbage
Lyme grass
Ma dou ling
Ma dou ling
Madonna lily
Mariposa lily
Mariposa lily
Meadow lily
Miner's lettuce
Mission lettuce
Mongolian lime
Morning star lily
Mountain laurel
Mountain lettuce
Mountain lovage
Murray lily
Myriad leaf
Narrow leaved goosefoot
New Mexico locust
New Zealand laurel
Oak leaf datura
Ogeechee lime
Our Lord's candle
Pale vanilla lily
Panther lily
Peach leaved wilow
Pearl lupin
Pei lan
Perennial lettuce
Peruvian lily
Peruvian lily
Pink fawn lily
Plains lemon monarda
Porter's licoriceroot
Portugal laurel
Purple loosestrife
Pygmy water lily
Red larkspur
Red leg
Resurrection lily
Round-headed leek
Roundhead lespedeza
Roundleaf leather root
Sacred water lotus
Sagebrush mariposa lily
Sand lily
Scotch laburnum
Scottish lovage
Scrambling lily
Scythian lamb
Sea lavender
Sea lavender
Seashore lupine
Sego lily
Sheep laurel
Short-beaked arrow leaf
Siberian larch
Silver lime
Single leaf piñon
Small leaved lime
Small vanilla lily
Snake lily
Soap lily
Soft love grass
Speckled wood lily
Spider lily
Spider lily
Spike lavender
Spotted laurel
Spurge laurel
Star-flowered lily of the valley
Sticky laurel
Sub-alpine larch
Sundial lupine
Swamp laurel
Swamp lily
Swamp lily
Swamp lousewort
Sweet leaf
Tall blue lettuce
Three-cornered leek
Tiger lily
Toad lily
Tree lavatera
Tree lupin
Trout lily
Tuberous water lily
Turk's Cap lily
Twining fringed lily
Twisted leaf pine
Umbrella leaf
Venus' looking glass
Wall lettuce
Water locust
Weeping love grass
Wei ling xian
Western larch
White lettuce
White lupin
White trumpet lily
White water lily
Whorled yellow loosestrife
Wild leek
Wild lettuce
Wild lettuce
Wild lettuce
Wild lily of the valley
Wild liquorice
Wood leek
Wood lily
Xue liu
Yellow day lily
Yellow loosestrife
Yellow lupin
Yellow water lily
Yun lian

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Plant information taken from the Plants For A Future - Species Database. Copyright (c) 1997-2000.
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Plants for a Future, Blagdon Cross Plant Research and Demonstration Gardens, Ashwater, Beaworthy, Devon, EX21 5DF, England