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Homeland Security 5 Year Anniversary 2003 - 2008, One Team, One Mission Securing the Homeland

Questions and Answers: US-VISIT Prime Contract Award

Release Date: 06/01/04 00:00:00

Which team was awarded the Prime Contract?
On May 28, 2004, Accenture LLP of Reston, VA was selected among the field of three offerors.  

Who else competed for this contract?
The other two offerors were: Computer Sciences Corporation, Federal Sector of Falls Church, Virginia; and Lockheed Martin, Transportation and Security Solutions of Rockville, Maryland. We appreciate their efforts and participation in this competition.

What is the scope of the contract?
Accenture LLP was awarded the Prime Contract to provide a wide range of professional services supporting the modernization of our border management processes and information technology systems. The range of services includes strategic support, design and integration activities, technical solutions, deployment activities, training, and organizational change management. This will facilitate the delivery of both the current and the next generation of the US-VISIT system.

What type of contract is it?
This is an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) contract.

What is the life of the contract?
The contract includes a base period of five years and five one-year options.

What is the contract magnitude?
Over the life of the contract, the minimum value is $10 million and the maximum is $10 billion.

Was the contract awarded on schedule?
Yes.  The contract was awarded on May 28, 2004 and the award announcement was made on June 1, 2004. The on-time award of this contract marks a major milestone for Homeland Security and the US-VISIT program.

How long has the source selection process taken?
The Request for Proposals was issued as scheduled on November 28, 2003.  Proposals were received January 22, 2004, followed by a detailed technical review of all proposals.  

Who led the review and selection process?
The US-VISIT Program Office led the source selection process, supported closely by border management stakeholders including other representatives of the Department of Homeland Security (ICE, CBP, TSA, CIS), Department of State, and Department of Justice.

What were the major factors you reviewed in determining the contract award?
We evaluated each proposal based on four key factors:  the business and technical solutions suggested to achieve the vision of US-VISIT as an end-to-end management system; the management approach and proven capability to deliver a complex set of solutions; and the development and implementation strategy to deploy US-VISIT entry and exit capabilities at our nation’s 50 busiest land ports of entry. Cost was also a major factor considered in the award decision.  

What are the next steps in terms of integrating the Prime Contractor into the US-VISIT team?
Shortly after the announcement of contract award, the prime contractor and the US VISIT Program Office will meet to discuss initial contract tasks.

What will be the Prime Contractor’s first activity or deliverable?
The initial Task Order will focus on over-arching program management to establish a basis for management coordination and oversight of multiple system engineering and integration activities.

How will the award of this contract help the Department of Homeland Security accomplish its goals?
Keeping America’s doors open to legitimate travelers while securing our nation is a complex undertaking.  We have begun with the successful launch of US-VISIT.  Now, with our Prime Contractor in place, we are set to develop the suite of solutions we will need to fully achieve our mission to enhance the security of U.S. citizens and visitors, facilitate legitimate travel and trade, ensure the integrity of the immigration system, and safeguard the personal privacy of visitors.

US-VISIT Background Information

US-VISIT is a top priority for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security because it enhances security for our citizens and visitors while facilitating legitimate travel and trade across our borders.  US-VISIT helps to secure our borders, facilitate the entry and exit process, and enhance the integrity of the immigration system while respecting the privacy of our visitors.  

US-VISIT is part of a continuum of security measures that begins overseas, when a person applies for a visa to travel to the United States, and continues from their arrival to, and departure from, the United States.  It incorporates eligibility determinations made by both the Departments of Homeland Security and State.  

Since the program launched on January 5, 2004, over 4 and half million foreign nationals have been processed through US-VISIT with no adverse impact on wait times at air and sea ports of entry.  The US-VISIT program has helped the Departments of Homeland Security and State intercept more than 500 persons with prior or suspected criminal or immigration violations.  These included convicted rapists, drug traffickers, individuals convicted of credit card fraud, a convicted armed robber, and numerous immigration violators and individuals attempting visa fraud.

US-VISIT procedures currently apply to all visitors (with limited exemptions) holding non-immigrant visas, regardless of country of origin.  

On September 30, 2004, US-VISIT entry and exit procedures will be expanded to include visitors traveling to the United States under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) arriving at air and sea ports of entry.

By December 31, 2004, US-VISIT will deploy capabilities at the nation’s 50 busiest land ports of entry.


This page was last reviewed/modified on 06/01/04 00:00:00.